Jeep's Blues

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//This is the song i had in mind when i wrote part of this chapter (you'll know when you get there), and let me just say, who starts a song like that?? pls listen if you want to be murdered in the soul, k thx carry on... here's a long and (hopefully) exciting chapter//

It had been almost two years since Harry had last visited the Chelsea Market in Manhattan, but as he walked through it with Freddie by his side, he remembered more and more why he liked it so much. The variety of food there was astounding, and the quality of it all was even more so. With twinkling fairy lights and colorful paper lanterns hanging from the ceiling, the Chelsea Market had a warmth to it that set Harry at ease, despite the fact that his heart was doing somersaults every time Freddie looked at him. Her cheeks were flushed, her dark eyes were alight with curiosity, and her smile nearly made Harry forget where he was and what he was doing altogether. It was the first time he didn't hate himself for having feelings for Freddie, because there were a few moments, though brief, during which Harry knew without a doubt that Freddie's smile was because of him.

The laid-back vibe of the Chelsea Market also helped a great deal in diffusing Freddie's nerves as well. It didn't have the heaviness of a fancy restaurant, which Freddie appreciated probably even more than Harry did. She had almost entirely forgotten the stress she had experienced prior to meeting him at her office building, which, in turn, made it even easier for her to follow Cher's advice. Harry's enthusiasm for exploring and many food recommendations made it easy enough for her to just have fun and enjoy her time with him. After all, she already knew what kind of person he was, so really, she had no reason to be skeptical of his intentions. All that remained was to take the night as it came and try to remind herself that it was okay to see him in any light she wanted to. As far as she was concerned, the gates of the friendzone were open, and if he happened to find his way out, she wouldn't be upset about it.

They had visited a few shops, including Harry's favorite bakery, a wine bar, and a gelato shop by the time they reached the other end of the market, and so with a bit of a wine buzz, Harry and Freddie were spit out on ninth avenue, where they were greeted with not only the cold, but also throngs of people milling about.

"I wish we had more time in here," Freddie said just before the two of them passed through the Market's front doors. "I want to try literally everything."

"Even the oyster bar?" Harry teased, holding the door open for her and gesturing for her to pass in front of him. He knew she hated oysters, because in the process of choosing some place to eat that night, she had told him about the time her parents made her try them, which was fine initially, but was made significantly less fine by the food poisoning that crept up on her later that night.

Rolling her eyes, she walked in front of him and laughed softly, "I could go without the oysters. They're not worth risking a one night stand with the bathroom floor."

"Yeah, better not," Harry chuckled, following her onto the sidewalk. "We'll skip the oyster bar if we come back."

"Oh, we're coming back alright; did you see all those spices? I need to get some so I can experiment."

"I look forward to it," Harry said with a smile, fighting the urge to do one of those leaping heel-kicks and break out into a cheering sprint. If Freddie wanted to come back, that had to mean that she was at least having a decent time with him, and more importantly, she had said "we" were coming back, which meant that she wanted him to be with her. Harry dared not think on it too long for fear of jinxing it, but maybe that meant that this wouldn't be their last date after all. Maybe she liked him enough to want to give him another chance. The prospect of that happening made his hands start sweating though, so he shoved his hands in his pockets as he and Freddie walked in the direction of the bar he had told her about earlier.

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