Just Couple Things

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Freddie was pleased to say that her sexual interest in Harry was momentary. She was worried that it would become somewhat of an issue, but one night with Damien was all it took to dispel the uncertainty that had begun to plague her. She didn't tell anyone about her dream, especially not Cher, because if she had, then Cher would have encouraged her to make the dream a reality. And what excuse could Freddie have given her not to? Cher didn't know about Damien, and so Freddie couldn't list him as the reason for her insistence that she leave Harry alone. Freddie wanted to just tell Cher about Damien, but she thought better of it. For the sake of their jobs, they needed to keep their relationship as private as possible.

The only one who actually knew about Damien was Harry and his friends, who had met him the night he had come to pick Freddie up from her apartment. Even so, Freddie had become somewhat wary of speaking about Damien too much around Harry. Ever since Cher had enlightened Freddie in regard to Harry and his suspected feelings for her, Freddie had begun to notice how tense Harry became whenever she spoke of Damien.

Freddie wasn't doing it to be obnoxious or brag or anything, just somehow, Damien came up a lot in their conversations. And when he did, Freddie could see Harry trying to be interested by asking her questions; however, with every answer she gave, she could see in Harry's eyes that he would rather talk about Emily and the pain she had caused him. And for Harry, that was saying something.

It was for that reason that Freddie refrained from speaking of Damien around Harry. If he actually did like her, then she didn't want to rub her relationship in Harry's face. The last thing she wanted to do was to be cruel to him.

Though there came an evening during which Freddie couldn't help it. Since the night Damien had laid eyes on Harry, Freddie had made sure that whenever Damien came to pick her up, Harry was gone, or if he was home, that their stay was brief so that the two didn't have to interact for more than a few minutes.

However, despite her efforts to prevent it, Damien began to insist that he get to know Harry. He didn't like that Freddie lived with a man, especially not one of Harry's stature, but since there was nothing to be done that could rectify the situation, Damien concluded that the only way to cure his jealousy was to really size up this Harry person. After that, he would decide if he should feel threatened by him.

Freddie was admittedly opposed to this, but she didn't say anything to Damien about it. Instead, she just kept her mouth shut and agreed to let Damien stay the night with her under the condition that they not have sex while Harry was home. They shared a wall, and Freddie was uncomfortable with the thought of Harry hearing them. With this, Damien was somewhat displeased; however, he nonetheless consented and arrived at Freddie's apartment promptly at seven on a Friday night.

Ushering him inside, Freddie kissed him briefly and shut the door behind him. Harry's friends weren't coming over that night since apparently, they were all have date night with their ladies, so Damien took a seat at the kitchen table upon Freddie's instruction and watched her as she scrambled to finish cooking their meal.

"I hope you like something a little spicy," she smiled over at him, admiring how flawless his blonde hair always looked. He really was her Christian Grey, just without the creepy red room and mommy issues.

"What is it?" Damien asked her as he placed his phone face down on the table. "It smells amazing."

Freddie turned her attention to the pan of sizzling ingredients, giving a hearty stir before answering him. "It's like chicken, garlic, chilies, tomatoes, onion, and rice. My mom used to make it for me, and I was craving it."

Damien hummed in approval, "Babe, that sounds delicious."

"I made chocolate covered strawberries, too. I know you like them," Freddie looked over to Damien to gage his reaction, and to her delight, he seemed very pleased.

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