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In the month that followed that weekend with Damien, Freddie found herself spending more and more time with him. Since his sister had come to stay with his mother, he now had freedom over his weekends again, though he did still visit her a few times during the week. It was curious how much Damien actually began to pursue her, though Freddie did not think to question it. She enjoyed the attention, and even more, she enjoyed that he was beginning to take some initiative in their relationship.

The only real problem was that they got into small fights fairly frequently. They were usually over nothing, but would always end with a more than favorable conclusion. Hate sex, that was their thing now. Freddie didn't mind though. That was just how they were, and as long as one of them made an apology the next morning, all was well between them.

But Freddie spending so much time with Damien had its effects on Harry, too. It had been three weeks since he had really spent time with Freddie like they used to, since their usual time to catch up was now taken up by Damien. Harry supposed this was a good thing for him, because at least, he knew Freddie was happy, and now he was less tormented by the fact that he was beginning to feel strongly for someone he couldn't have. If she wasn't there for him to admire, then it would be easier for him to move on. At least, that was what he told himself.

Freddie being gone all the time did make Harry feel extraordinarily lonely, though, and so he sought out more ways to entertain himself. He kept going to the gym, each workout lasting longer than the last, but he also decided that he had better get back into the dating scene. As hung up as he was on Freddie, he knew that if he didn't at least try to find someone else, then his feelings for her would turn into an unhealthy obsession that he couldn't hope to control. He needed distraction, and so he turned to tinder to give him women to go out with.

Thus, as Freddie continued to go on dates with her now serious boyfriend, Harry began to go on blind dates with women that he would never see again. They never made it back to his place, nor did he ever invite them out for a second date. He couldn't do it, not when he knew that it would be a waste of time.

One evening while Harry was out with another one of his tinder girls, Freddie had Damien over for dinner. She cooked for him, they drank wine, and even made it back to her bedroom before Harry could come home. They were laying in Freddie's twin bed, legs intertwined and flesh against flesh, when Damien knew he couldn't put it off any longer.

He propped himself on his elbow behind her, his hand gently squeezing her bare hip, "Baby, I'm sorry, but I have to piss."

Groaning softly, Freddie turned to lie on her back so that Damien could climb over her easier, though she kept her eyes shut so as not to pull herself out of sleep. Though it was still somewhat early, she was exhausted and could hardly stay awake for much longer. The energy she used with Damien had tired her out, and the wine had only made her sleepy.

"Put pants on before you go out there," she whispered without looking at him. "I don't know when he'll be back."

"I know," Damien replied, hovering over her for a moment, then dropping his feet to the floor. After stumbling into something and cursing, he pulled on his boxers and stepped out of the room to go to the bathroom.

Freddie tried to stay awake for the time that Damien was gone; however, as the seconds dragged on, her eyes couldn't keep from shutting. She awoke several minutes later, confused as to why she was still alone. Slightly worried that maybe Harry had come home and that maybe Damien was talking with him, Freddie reluctantly put on Damien's discarded white T-shirt and walked out into the living room.

Immediately, her eyes fell upon Damien sitting on her couch, the lamp light enabling him to read the papers in his hand.


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