His What?

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The day began like any other. It was a Thursday, and the time was dragging on slowly for Freddie, who just wanted to go on her lunch break. She and Cher were supposed to go down the road to this bagel place since they had this chicken pesto sandwich that Freddie really wanted to try, but apparently, time tends to go by slower when you're at work. How convenient.

With her eyes glued to the clock at the corner of her computer screen, Freddie watched the seconds go by despite the fact that if she just did her work, that it would go by monumentally faster. Still, she was hungry and could not function even if she tried, so staring at the clock was her pastime. At last, the clock reached one o clock, and so Freddie quickly took up her phone and her wallet and made her way to Cher's desk at the front of the office. When Cher saw her, her face twisted to hold an expression of relief, which at first, Freddie did not understand.

"Oh, thank god." Cher stood from her seat, doing somewhat of a pee-pee dance. "I need to go to the bathroom; would you sit here for me? Kristin is late, but when she gets here, you can just wait for me by the elevator."

Cher didn't wait for Freddie's response, but instead shoved her purse into Freddie's hands and quickly ran past her. Freddie wanted to be frustrated, but she couldn't. Cher really must have had to piss. Shaking her head with a soft laugh, Freddie took a seat at Cher's desk and took out her phone to see if Damien had texted her anything about seeing each other that night.

Before Freddie could tap the message to read it, a woman's voice stole her attention, and so Freddie quickly put her phone down and tried to do Cher's job.

"Yes, how may I help you?" Freddie tried to smile like Cher did, but she supposed she was failing miserably. However, when her eyes fell on the very pregnant woman standing there with a little boy holding her hand, Freddie couldn't help but smile genuinely. That little boy was adorable, and he had the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen.

"I'm looking for my husband," the woman said shyly, looking down to her son. "It's his birthday today, so we wanted to surprise him for lunch. Oh, and also, Mr. Campbell said he would be here?"

"Oh, yes, ma'am," Freddie said smiling. "I can go get Mr. Campbell for you."

As Freddie began to stand, she saw Mr. Campbell walking out from his office, and so she resumed her seat and gestured towards him. "Oh, here he is."

Mr. Campbell greeted the woman with a friendly smile, then he stooped down to the little boy's height, speaking to him for several moments before standing upright again. When his eyes fell upon Freddie sitting there at the front desk, Mr. Campbell frowned and called over to her, "Do they have you doing everyone's job around here now?"

Freddie laughed nervously, but was glad to hear her boss's joking tone. "Oh, no I'm just waiting for Cher to come back from the bathroom, then we're going to lunch."

"Ah, I see. Well, take your time today; you've been doing well." Mr. Campbell smiled at Freddie and then glanced over to the woman, who was now stooped over and talking to her son quietly. He turned to her, at which point Freddie concluded that she was no longer a part of the conversation. That was fine; she was just hungry and sort of impatient now that Cher had been gone so long. Looking down to her phone and somewhat tuning out her boss's conversation, Freddie started scrolling through her Twitter feed.

"So where are you all going for lunch?" Mr. Campbell asked the woman, leaning his elbow on the raised surface of the reception desk. "There's not too many places around here that he likes."

The woman looked up and smiled, "Oh, I have a few ideas that are closer to our place, but I was going to ask Damien to see if there was somewhere he wanted to go."

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