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The next day while Harry was at work, the rest of Freddie's things came in, so she spent the majority of the day tirelessly shoving her shit into her room while making some effort to make it cute. She had always had a thing for home decor, so she tried her best to make her space have an aesthetic that was homey yet stylish. It always started out that way, but she knew that it would take less than two days for her room to be an absolute mess.

"Oh well," Freddie would always say. "At least I tried."

Aside from fixing up her room the way she liked it, Freddie also spent the day cleaning the rest of the apartment. She and Harry would be sharing a bathroom, which wasn't ideal, but given that it was Manhattan, such an inconvenience was to be expected. Either way though, Freddie was determined to be a good roommate, so she mopped the whole place, cleaned every flat surface and even found some time to go out to buy some groceries. That took a bit longer than expected, so by the time Freddie returned to the apartment after getting lost for a hot minute, Harry was already home.

"Hey," he called to her from his place on the couch, not looking up from the mass of papers sprawled out across the coffee table. With a pen in his hand, Harry absentmindedly bit down on the cap as he tried to find the discrepancy within the numbers on the page. Now, Freddie would have found this image of him to be extremely attractive, but given that she was weighed down with plastic bags that were cutting off the circulation in her arms, she found that she could not appreciate how handsome Harry looked in his state of concentration.

Without shutting the door, Freddie clamored into the apartment, earning Harry's previously focused attention and prompting him to come help her. He swiftly arose and rushed to help her put the bags on the counter whilst an amused smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. She hadn't been kidding when she said she would get everything set up as quickly as possible. How she managed to have the time and energy to clean and go shopping was beyond him.

"Sorry about that," Freddie panted, rubbing the marks that the bags had left on her arms. "I was doing fine, but then they got really heavy after a while."

Harry laughed breathily, "I'm not surprised. How many people are you trying to feed?"

Pausing for a moment, Freddie opened her mouth to say something sassy, but she stopped herself after remembering the night before and how uncomfortable Harry had looked when she made the joke about her being quiet during sex.

"Just us," she eventually replied, laughing to herself at the thought of what she had wanted to say.

Harry cocked his head to the side, looking curiously at Freddie. "What is it?"

Freddie just shook her head, softly grinning at her own joke. "I was going to say I was eating for two just to freak you out, but I decided against it."

"Oh." Harry shifted uncomfortably, but he still could not help the smile that pulled at the corners of his mouth. Freddie was an interesting person, that much was certain, and Harry could tell that she was unapologetically the person she wanted to be. Her bluntness was a lot to get used to, but the characteristic was definitely something that he could appreciate.

Frowning at Harry's response, Freddie decided to ignore it and instead set out to putting the groceries away.

"So Harry," Freddie began as she placed some cans on the shelf in the pantry. "What do you normally do on Friday nights? Like, where are the good places to hang out?"

Harry leaned against the counter and furrowed his brow, "Oh, um, my mates and I usually just play poker here. They like to have some time to unwind before facing the weekend with their wives."

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