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After the second rom-com, Freddie was having difficulty watching the happy endings, and so she made the request for a nice, romance-less, totally-historically-inaccurate, Quentin Tarantino movie. In the search for one of those, they found Inglourious Basterds on the internet and began watching that, because who doesn't love to see Brad Pitt killing Nazis whilst employing a really bad Southern accent?

It was in the midst of this violent, wartime fantasy that Freddie at last got up the nerve to go to the kitchen to see if her phone had turned back on. Why did that take nerve, you ask? Well, the night before, she had nearly smashed her phone to pieces because she kept seeing Damien's name pop up on the screen, and so she knew that should her phone rise from the dead, those notifications from him would still be there. Despite how much she felt she was keeping it together, she could not deny that on the inside, she was fuming with rage, and she was uncertain whether seeing Damien's name might trigger her to explode. Thus, as she got up from the couch, Freddie hoped she could keep herself together.

As a way to put off seeing it, Freddie first took a few cookies from the stash on the counter, then offered one to Harry. He declined and kept his attention on the movie, which Freddie was thankful for; she didn't want Harry watching her just then.

After eating part of her cookie, Freddie nervously went over to the counter where her phone was and stared down at it. The shattered screen was entirely black, but as she pressed the home button, the white Apple logo appeared against it. She breathed a sigh of relief that she wouldn't have to buy a new phone just yet. She would have to soon, but for a day at least, she could put it off.

Several minutes passed, and at last, the logo turned into her lock screen. After entering her password, the moment of truth arrived, and Freddie was faced with more notifications than she had ever had in her life. Seeing the red numbers aggravated her, and so to clear them out, Freddie opened the phone app and marked all the voicemails as listened to. That wasn't too hard because she hadn't the slightest clue what he was trying to say to her; however, when she opened the texts, she couldn't help but read some of what he had said to her. It only made her angry.

Feeling her heart begin to pound in her ears, Freddie shut the phone off again and stalked back over to the living room. She didn't want to deal with Damien at all that day. After dropping the phone face down on the coffee table, Freddie resumed her position on the couch and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked her over the gunshots coming from the tv. Freddie glanced over to him momentarily, giving him a curt nod before fixing her eyes on the movie again.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She scoffed to herself, "I just kinda wish I had broken my phone all the way."

"You saw the texts then?"

Freddie snapped her head in Harry's direction, mortified by the fact that he had seen evidence of Damien's assholery. For a moment, she thought she could be mad at him, but it didn't take her long to realize that it wasn't Harry's fault at all. She had been the one to throw her phone across the roof, and Harry had been nice enough to get it for her. It was only logical that he would have seen one or two of the texts.

Harry seemed to notice her momentary aggravation with him, and so he quickly began his apology, speaking softly to her, "I didn't mean to read them. Please forgive me?"

Releasing her anger, Freddie sighed heavily and turned herself to face him, "You really don't have to apologize for anything, Harry. I didn't meant to look at you like you had done something wrong, because you haven't. I'm just a little irrational right now... I'm sorry."

Harry released a breathy laugh, "Well you don't need to apologize either, then. This isn't your fault."

"True," Freddie shrugged. "But I was still a bitch to you earlier so I apologize for that."

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