It's Freaking Bats

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Every year on Halloween since they started college, Harry and his friends always went to this huge party that an old friend of theirs threw at his ridiculously lavish apartment. There was lots of food, lots of alcohol, and lots of over-the-top costumes. Not an expense was spared in any element, which made it the most anticipated event of the year, and this year was no exception.

Freddie was understandably excited to have been invited that year. She appreciated a good host and a well-executed party, but more than that, she was more than anxious to seize any opportunity to pull out one of the old costumes she had worn in college, especially the one she planned to wear that night.

Despite it being a holiday, Freddie just knew she would have a tough time getting out of the office on that particular Halloween night. There was a dinner with a few investors scheduled for that night that she thought would run late, and to her grand disappointment, she had been right. Despite normally making it out of the office before six now that she didn't have to bother with Michael's busywork, by the time the dinner ended, it was nearly eight, which meant she was already late for the pregame and wouldn't be able to make it after getting ready in the restaurant bathroom.

Luckily though, Freddie had foreseen this complication and had brought her costume with her to change into in case she was short on time. And also luckily, Cher had done the exact same thing.

Once the dinner was done and it was appropriate for them to slip away, Freddie and Cher made their way to the women's restroom to slip into their costumes and fix their makeup the way they wanted it. Cher was going to a different Halloween party with her boyfriend, but still, the lateness of the hour made it so that she had to quickly change at the restaurant as well. Like Freddie's, her party was in the opposite direction of her apartment, so risking their bosses seeing her all dressed up in a bunny costume was just a risk she was willing to take.

The unintended advantage of getting ready together at the restaurant was that Cher and Freddie had someone to help them with the trickier parts of their costumes, both of which included a corseted aspect. Cher had found a pretty close version of the bunny costume that Elle Woods wears in Legally Blonde; meanwhile, Freddie opted for the more gothic look of the one and only Morticia Addams from The Addams Family. Freddie didn't think wearing a floor length dress was really the move for a Halloween party though, so instead, she captured Morticia's vibe by wearing a short, black, velvet dress with long, flared sleeves and a leather, underbust corset. The corset pulled in her waist so much that Freddie felt a bit like Elizabeth Swann in Pirates of the Caribbean, but she supposed the final look was worth the pain; like Cher thought about the corset on her own costume, Freddie doubted it would make her actually pass out.

The shoes, however, were a different story.

"Oh, god, there's no way I can walk in these all night," Freddie lamented, leaning against the wall as she pulled on black platform booties over her fishnet tights. "I did it when I was eighteen, but I don't think I have it in me anymore."

Cher glanced back at Freddie and briefly looked over her before continuing applying her lip gloss, "Well, you look hot, so tell yourself it's worth it when the pain becomes too much. You'll definitely be getting Harry's attention tonight."

Freddie smiled and shook her head, though she couldn't exactly say that Cher was wrong in her goal for the evening. She did want to get Harry's attention, and with how tight and revealing her dress was, she knew she would undoubtedly accomplish that. After all, he had expressed more than once how much he liked her appearance, even when she was wearing sweatpants and a tshirt, so a skintight dress and heels was sure to be something he liked too. Still though, she couldn't help but feel a bit nervous about it. What if he didn't want her to dress like that in front of his friends?

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