Chapter 5: Something Bigger

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Back in Blaze's dimension, Eggman Nega decided to upgrade his Machine to something even bigger. It would drain powers, abilities, AND health. Because he knew that Blaze would still be strong if her fire powers were stolen from her, so Eggman Nega would have to drain her health to stop her from battling him. So, off he went to upgrade his machine. He also thought about working with Dr. Eggman to help him drain Sonic's energy as well. This was for both Dr. Eggman and Eggman Nega to be unstoppable. First, he made the machine look cooler. Next, he made adjustments to the machine for it to be much stronger than before, despite him not getting Blaze in time. Then, he made it bigger and for him to be able to ride it, easily. Finally, he made it water-proof to avoid it malfunctioning. After that, he set off to find his way to Sonic's dimension. Then, he remembered Blaze traveled to Sonic's world by drowning in water. He decided not to go that way, but instead by traveling by space to get there, while avoiding to tear a fragment of space. So, he decided to rest for one day before the big launch. In his dreams, he was draining both Sonic and Blaze to take over their dimensions with Dr. Eggman. He gave an evil smirk as he dreamed of those evil things, knowing that he would be in Blaze's dimension in two days.

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