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Frisk watched in a stunned shock at what was happening before them. Flowey tightened his vines and let out a soft giggle.

"* Howdy, human!" The flower greeted cheerily. "* Gee, it sure has been a while!" Frisk clenched their hands into fists. "You've killed people!" They screamed, taking Flowey off guard. "You've known about the resets, you've abused save files!"

Flowey's smile grew smaller and smaller with every word. "You could've helped people, you just chose not to!" Flowey let out a deep growl. Frisk's eyes were starting to fill with tears, but they took a breath and kept speaking.

"You really are a monster." They finished. This set Flowey over the edge. He sent out a giant vine and took hold of Frisk with it.

"* I won't be called names when I'm the only one with half a brain down here."

Frisk flinched under the pressure of the vines. Flowey chuckled a little.

"* You of all people should know that helping others is useless if it just gets you back to where you started." Flowey said, harshly. Frisk squirmed beneath his grip and Flowey allowed himself a smile.

"* Everyone here's just gonna die anyway, so what's the harm," He threw Frisk across the field in one quick motion. "* if I speed that process up a little?"

Frisk landed roughly on the ground, then looked up and watched in horror as Flowey rammed his vines into Endogeny. It let out a deafening scream, and immediately fell to the ground from the attack. Flowey seemed to have pulled out three glowing orbs...

Frisk's eyes widened as the realization hit them. Not orbs... souls. Flowey looked straight at them as he absorbed the souls, despite Frisk screaming to stop.

Everything was absorbed by a white light for a few seconds. Frisk's vision soon came to them, and they saw firsthand the being of terror before them.

In front of them, was a giant flower - at least 15 feet tall - with massive thorny vines sticking out of the ground beside it. The dog laid cast aside on the ground, quite possibly dead. While all of this was happening, Flowey stayed rooted there, red eyes and demonic smile plastered on his face.

He let out a bellowing laugh, then swung a giant vine at Frisk. Their eyes widened as they jumped out of the way. Flowey dragged his roots across the soil, flicking dirt and rocks across the field and towards Frisk. They did their best to run away from the debris. Some stray rocks nicked their clothes and skin as they ran.

A few choice words floated about in Frisk's mind. "* Try not to get yourself killed..." Realization hit Frisk like a truck. If they die... they won't come back.

Flowey swung another vine at them. They attempted to jump over it, but mistimed their leap and ended up tangled in plant string.

The string pulled against Frisk's leg and brought them up to Flowey's eye level. They fell upside down in midair and struggled to get away from the demon staring at them. Flowey let out a chuckle, which lead into a laugh as he threw Frisk across the field and watched as they hit the ground with a slam.

That didn't exactly help Frisk's HP. They scampered behind a rock as they attempted to tend to their wounds. Flowey shifted and moved through the dirt, taunting the human to face him.

Frisk lifted up their hoodie and winced as soon as they did. When they fell, they slid on the ground and into a stone. It seemed to have cut Frisk, since when they examined their wounds, all they saw was a massive slice across their stomach. Frisk gripped at their torso in pain as Flowey continued to call out their name.

Out of Reach. An Undertale fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now