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Sans had brought Frisk over to his and Papyrus' house. He figured it'd be best if the kid stayed there for the night rather than somewhere Undyne might visit.

Papyrus was trying his best to make good spaghetti, while Sans was digging through a box looking for any gauzes they might have lying around. Papyrus could heal the human, but they'd likely still have some scars, so Sans was getting ready if that were the case.

Frisk was sitting on the couch while the skeletons were working. They were starting to fall asleep. Sans found a couple gauzes and figured they would be enough, so he walked back over to Frisk.

He sat down on the couch besides them. They looked exhausted. Sans brushed some stray hair out of their eye. "* heya, kid. you doin ok?" He asked softly. Frisk nodded slightly. They looked up at Sans.

"Thank you." They said. Sans seemed a bit confused. "* for what?" He asked. "For caring about me." Sans' soul skipped a beat. He had only showed them simple kindness. Were they not used to that?

Frisk was one of the nicest people Sans knew, but he never really thought about what their life on the surface was like. Sans smiled a bit. More than usual, at least. "* well, you make it pretty hard not to care about you, kid." He said jokingly. Sans grabbed Frisk's hand and intertwined their fingers. Frisk smiled back.

"Alright, dinner is ready!" Papyrus announced from the kitchen. He walked into the room with two plates of spaghetti in hand, and a pot of it still on the counter. "Seeing how this is a special occasion," Papyrus started. "I give you both permission to eat in the living room." Sans chuckled.

"* you're too good for me, bro." Papyrus let out a simple "I know." before handing the two their plates. Sans and Frisk graciously ate their food, while Papyrus got his from the kitchen.

It wasn't actually that bad. Still a ways away from being good, but it wasn't bad for Papyrus' standards. Frisk looked distracted while they ate. Sans decided to press them about it.

"* something on your mind, kid?" He asked. Frisk faced the floor. "Do you... really think we'll get out of here?" Frisk asked. "That with my soul, we'll be able to free all monsters?" Sans had no answer. Frisk stayed silent.

Sans glanced over at Papyrus, who was walking over from the kitchen with a plate of spaghetti in hand. He sat down next to Sans and started eating it happily.

Sans forced a smile. "* i think that if we try hard enough, if we work ourselves to the bone, we'll make a breakthrough. maybe even one big enough to help us get out." Sans put a hand on Frisk's shoulder as they looked at him. "* so just have hope, ok?"

Before Frisk could speak, Papyrus answered for them. "That's the spirit brother! I know we'll all be fine if we stay focused and don't panic at all!" Papyrus inputted. Sans laughed. Frisk found themselves holding back a chuckle. "* well, who can argue with that, bro?" Sans joked.

The night continued like that. Useless conversations and blissful laughter until the sun began to rise.

Papyrus was drained after healing Frisk and was passed out in his bed. Sans did his best to read a bedtime story when drowsy. He ended up accidentally reading from one of his quantum physics books. Either way, it was enough to put Papyrus to sleep.

Sans walked back downstairs and returned to the couch. Frisk sat besides him, almost entirely asleep. Sans decided to put on some mindless television to help him drift off. He settled in an old MTT commercial. He couldn't stand the guy, but it was better than silence.

Frisk head lolled a little; and they ended up placing it on Sans' shoulder. He flinched at the impact. Frisk jerked their head back and muttered an apology, wiping sleepiness out of their eyes. Sans sighed and took hold of Frisk's hand. "* it's ok, kid." He said.

Out of Reach. An Undertale fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now