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Frisk continued to walk through Waterfall, a small smile on her face as she listened to the echo flowers on her path.

There was talk of dreams, stars, souls, and freedom mostly. Frisk really did pity the monsters. Having to live in the underground for so long. It must really take a toll on your mindset. And now that the human souls were gone; it must be pretty hard to find hope. Frisk was snapped out of her train of thought by a small bird in front of her. Frisk smiled at it, causing the bird to tilt it's head. Frisk went to pet it when it started to fly away.

She chased after it giggling, while straying from the path a bit. Frisk started to catch up to the bird when it went through a patch of echo flowers. Frisk put her head down and ran through the flowers, still hot on the bird's tail. Frisk exited the posy and continued to run, up until she bumped into something. Frisk stepped back and looked up to see an armored knight with a small golden bird on their shoulder. Frisk gulped a bit as she cautiously took a couple steps back.

Undyne, who was not wearing her helmet, glared at the child with a gaze that rivaled Flowey's. Neither of the two said anything at first, but they both continued to stare at one another. Undyne was the first to speak up. "* Why are you here?" She asked slowly, the bird flying away as a result. Frisk's legs shook a little at the intensity of Undyne's voice, but she held her ground. "I just wanted to visit a friend." Frisk answered. Undyne clenched her fists as she tried her absolute best not to murder the child. "* My friend, is dead because of you." Undyne said angrily.

Frisk was about to deny Undyne's statement, but she thought it best not to throw the fish's grief back in her face. "I'm sorry." Frisk said instead. Undyne raised her brow and gave frisk an unbelieving stare. "* Sorry? You're sorry?" Undyne asked. The human simply nodded their head. Undyne let out a soft chuckle. "* Were you sorry when you killed him?" She asked. "* Were you sorry when you avoided ALL of our warnings, just to kill our king, and steal our souls?" Frisk stayed silent. "* Answer me!" Undyne screamed. Tears started to build up in Frisk's eyes as genuine fear took over her body. Undyne, in a fit of rage, summoned a spear and pointed at the human menacingly. "Undyne!" A voice called out suddenly. Not long after the interruption, Papyrus jumped in between the two, standing in front of Undyne and facing her with a determined look. "* Papyrus, move." Undyne commanded. "No, Undyne. I won't let you hurt my friend!" Papyrus said defensively. Undyne looked at the skeleton disbelievingly. "* Friend? How can you be friends with them? They killed Asgore!" Undyne yelled. "They... they did?" Papyrus asked softly. "* Yes, Papyrus. Now get out of my way so I can show them what we monsters here do to regicide." Undyne said demandingly. Frisk was shaking under the pressure of the situation, hoping that, as unlikely as it was, no one would get hurt. "N-no." Papyrus said, earning everyone's attention. "* What, did you say?" Undyne asked scarily. "I-I said no, Undyne." Papyrus repeated, causing Undyne to strengthen her grip on her spear. "Even if what the human could've done was bad, that doesn't mean they're a bad person. In fact, I believe that they are still a good person, even if you don't think so." Papyrus explained. Frisk's heart melted at the sight of Papyrus being so incredibly brave for her.

"So Undyne, please. Don't hurt the human. Because if you want to..." Papyrus looked back at his friend behind him, then back to Undyne. "You'll have to hurt me, first." Undyne's posture stiffened at Papyrus' words. The two sparring partners stared at each other in silence, both waiting for a reaction. Undyne glanced at Frisk, with furrowed brows and gritted teeth, then returned her gaze to Papyrus. A few more minutes of silence, and Undyne left, leaving Papyrus and Frisk behind.

Papyrus let out a sigh of relief, then turned around to face Frisk. He walked closer then bended down on his knee to meet Frisk, who was also on her knees. "Are you alright, human?" Papyrus asked. Frisk nodded, then spoke up, having something to say after her long moment of silence. "I didn't kill Asgore." She said with tears in her eyes from the previous ordeal. "I believe you, Frisk. I know that whatever happened in new home, you did the right thing." Papyrus said to his still shaking friend. Frisk let out a sob and wrapped her arms around the skeleton. Papyrus did the same. "It's going to be alright, human. I promise." Papyrus reassured his friend. Despite Papyrus not really knowing what would happen, his words comforted Frisk, and her breathing slowed.

The two stayed in their embrace for a bit longer, than released each other once they were ready to let go. "Are you sure you're okay, Frisk?" Papyrus asked again. Frisk nodded once more. "Yeah, yeah, I'll be okay." Frisk said, much calmer than before. Papyrus stood up straight, Frisk following soon after. "In that case, I'm off to Snowdin. There's dinner that needs to be cooked, and I'm sure with Sans in charge the place is a mess." Papyrus said, explaining his plan of action to the human.

Frisk chuckled a bit then started talking. "Alright, Papyrus. I think I'm going to hang back a bit longer. There's someone I'd like to see." "Very well, human. I will be leaving soon, but know that the doors of The great Papyrus' home will always be open for you!" The skeleton said while smiling.

Frisk thanked the skeleton one last time before watching as he strutted home, singing his theme song the whole way.

Frisk turned back to Waterfall and started walking until she was finally at her destination. She walked up to the house and knocked on the door. A small ghost with headphones on opened it, looking gloomy as usual. "* Hello?" The ghost said depressingly. "Hey, Napstablook!" Frisk said cheerily. "* Oh, it's you..." Napstablook looked down at his hand and squinted. "* Frank." He said, a bit confused. Frisk stifled back a laugh, which Napstablook seemed to notice.

"* Oh... I got it wrong, didn't I?" The ghost said sadly. "No, no, no! That's not it, I was just thinking of a joke Sans told me, that's all! You got it right." Frisk said to the spirit, giving him two thumbs up as a sign of good will. "* Oh.... you're just saying that to be nice, and it's working.... Anyways, come in, make yourself at home." Napstablook said while floating into his house, Frisk following close behind. Once they were inside, the door shut magically behind them.

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