53. Gun Shot

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Sumaiya’s POV

After few months…

Being pregnant is joyful, when you came to know that an innocent life is surviving inside you. My hormones always make him pissed, irritating and what not but he handled me calmly not showing any anger. Last I was craving for ice cream he actually drove 12km just get my favourite ice cream from his favourite shop. His and my family met came and give me their blessings but due to work purpose they have to leave early.

Roopali promised me she will come before my baby shower so that we can decorate the baby’s room and do some toy shopping. Me and Faheem decided to let the gender be a secret although I want a baby girl and want his heir, his son. Typical Man

Right now, I am waiting for him to finish his work so that can cuddle him. Now he saw and smile a little then he just closes his laptop.

“Let’s sleep” he said removing his T-shirt and PJs

Holy Fuck...!! how can I sleep beside him if he’s gonna sleep like this. I was staring at him with frown on face.

“What” he asked innocently

“Put on some clothes” I ordered

“Why?” he smiled “Just because you can’t resist my hot shot body that doesn’t mean I have to hide myself with layers”

“Oh! Shut up…. look who’s talking last night who made love to me? You were the one who was begging me to ride you, you started last night!!” I accused him

“oh really!!” he said and within a second he was over me “why don’t start the story from the beginning... well yes... I was in the shower you marched in and demand for sex, not love!!!”

He was now too close to me our nose was touching and once in a while lips were brushed, I tried to kiss him but he pulled away I was looking at him.

“Beg Sugar!” he said with a smirk
I smiled and just pulled his neck to kiss he was not responding but soon gave up I rolled on him and start kissing his neck, chest and bite his neck to leave a mark.

Soon he adjusts his shaft and thrust in one go, the room was now filled with moans and groans.

All these days were blessing for me I talked to Roopali she will come here soon, Faheem is now taking extra care of me since now I am 7 months pregnant we are throwing party after few days once she is here. I was making list of guests and other things my cell phone beeped.

Unknown- You up?

I read the text and raised my brow, who can that be?

Unknown:  Hey, Omair here.

I sit straight on couch making sure I was reading right, so he bought new number as his old number was blocked. What he wants now? He almost ruined my life.

Me: What do you want now Omair?

Omair: You.

An instant anger rushed through my veins, was he expecting me to dance happily?

Me: Oh well, I’m not on sale or for sale.

Omair: I know you’re mad at me, and you’ve all the rights to be, but I love you Sumaiya, I am loosing my mind without you.

Seriously, his texted pissed me off. What he talking about?

Me: hello? Delusional much?

Me: I have already told you I don’t love you; can’t you understand? Besides leave me alone!! I am happily married and Pregnant so now please don’t bother.

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