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I woke up to someone putting a wet rag on my forehead and sat up immediately.

"Holy fuck, what happened?" I looked around to see a person I didn't know, Demi, Camila, Lauren, and Lani.

"You had a severe panic attack, Y/N. This is the second time this has happened and I called my doctor to see if he could help." Demi spoke up and I rolled my eyes.

"Can we talk about this later? I'm collaborating with someone on a song. I have to go to Simon's." I said as I packed my things.

"Y/N can you stop fantasizing about your perfect little world for one second and focus on your goddamn health?! This is serious!" Lauren grabbed my wrist, preventing me from leaving.

A sigh left my lips as I sat back on the bed.

"Fine. What are we going to do?" I asked the doctor.

"I'm going to prescribe you with some medication to help with the Panic attacks, since Demi here has told me that this has been a reoccurring thing." He looked over at Demi as he spoke.

A sigh left my lips as I nodded.

The doctor handed me a bottle of pills and soon left.

"Well shit." I spoke as I read the label. Xanax.

He left and the girls made sure I started on the medication before leaving to Simon's.

Paparazzis were crowding Syco records and I knew I'd be collaborating with a special someone.

I walked inside the building and checked in with Rob, the doorman and security guard.

I went into the elevator and searched for room 727.

Once I got there I knocked.

"Ahh, Y/N! Come in!" I heard Simon's cheery voice.

When I walked in my jaw dropped, seeing THE Post Malone and THE Yung Blud.

"Hey, Y/N. You'll be making songs with both of these two men." Simon spoke and introduced both of them.

I smiled and Yung Blud, Aka Dom, hugged me.

"I love your work." His accent making me smile.

I refrained from fangirling and Post Malone, aka Austin spoke.

"You can squeal now." He said, making me squeal and fan girl, making both of them laugh.

"Oh, god. We broke her." Dom spoke.

I smiled and we started making the songs.

"How about this?" I read the verse he made, that was built off of mine.

I'm 11 minutes away, and I have missed you all day
I'm 11 minutes away, so why aren't you here

I think I missed you callin' on the other line
I'm just thinking all these thoughts up in my mind
Talkin' love but I can't even read the signs
I would sell my soul for a bit more time
You stain all my body like you're red wine

"Ooh, that's good." I nodded and looked at him.

"Maybe it could be a story between two lovers. One is on their way and is 11 minutes away. While the other is thinking that it's their fault that they aren't there, and got into a car crash." I spoke and he smiled.

"Dang. That's deep." I laughed and he nodded.

"Y/N, I'm struggling, can you help?" Austin asked as he showed me his sheet of paper.

Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
Yeah, you'd die for me
Said you'd die, said you'd die
But you lied, you lied to me

I read.

"Well, what exactly do you want it to be about?" I asked, looking at him.

"Well... asking someone if they'll do anything for you, when you already know the answer is no." He spoke, scratching the back of his neck.

I smiled. "It's okay, Aus. This is a place where it's okay to feel. Neither Dom or I will judge you for feeling the way you do. We won't even question you about it." I smiled and he hugged me.

"Thanks, Y/N." He hugged me, giving me a small squeeze.

"Okay, how about this?" I wrote on the side of his paper in case he didn't like it.

Said you'd take a bullet, told me you would die for me
I had a really bad feeling you've been lying to me
We were on the low, but you were getting high with me
When it's past 11, that's a different side I see
Said you'd die for me, you'd die for me, you'd die for me
But you lied to me, you lied to me, you lied to me
Said you'd die for me, you'd die for me, you'd die for me
But you lied to me, you lied to me, you lied to me

"That's perfect! Thank you!" He got excited and started to build off of that.

"Y/N, I'm stuck." Dom spoke, showing me the place where he was stumped.

I started writing a verse out off of the top of my head.

I'm so fuckin' sorry, I'm so fuckin' sorry
I've been playing somebody and it's helping nobody
And her lipstick arithmetic didn't stick
And now I'm sick, throwing fits
And yeah, I've seen you in my head every fuckin' day since I left
You on the floor with your hands 'round your head
And I'm down and depressed
All I want is your head on my chest
Touchin' feet, I'm 11

"And then it'll go back to the chorus?" He asked and I smiled, nodding.

We spent half of the day writing and the other half recording.

The day was filled with laughs and jokes.

At the end of the day I got both Austin's and Dominic's numbers.

I had fun and I have Simon to thank for that.

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