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I woke up and showered, soon joined by my beautiful fiancé's.

"Jeez babe, who was it this time, Rhonda Rousey?" Camila said as she wiped a wet cloth over my cheek.

"Actually, it was Shay Mitchell, and Demi gave me permission to unleash the demon on her for making me bleed." I smiled and Lauren chuckled from behind me.

"At least she's giving you some competition, I heard Shay has been training for years." Camila spoke.

"Enough of the fighting talk. Babe, when we're you going to tell us that you made and unleashed an album! A full, goddamn album!" Lauren shouted.

I blushed. "It was a surprise." I said and smiled.

"Bitch, Badlands is on repeat!" Lauren shouted, making me laugh.

"Well, Lauren. I was going to make you a deal. If you want me to stay a musician, you have to make at least one song with me." I said and Lauren's eyes went wide.

"No, Y/N. I can't do that! I'm terrified of huge crowds." Lauren said and I hugged her.

"That's why I'll be there with you." I said and she gently kissed my lips.

"Y/N... I read your journal again and I really like one of your songs." Camila said, making me look at her.

"Which one, Camz?" I said.

"She loves control." Camila said, making me smile.

"Well, Camz you can have it if you want. I can actually get you both onto the music industry if you want! We can write songs together! Omg that would be so fun!" I shouted, just thinking about it.

Lauren rubbed my back. "After the wedding, Y/N. Easy there tiger." She laughed.

We finished showering and got dressed.

Camila brought us to the car and drove.
"Where are we going?" I asked for the third time.

"You'll see, Y/N." She spoke, annoyed.

"But Camz-"

"I will turn this car around, Y/N!" A whine left my throat as I quickly shut up.

Lauren just chuckled at us. "I swear, you two are something else." She said.

When we pulled up to a tattoo and piercing place, I smiled widely.

"We're gonna do it?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes we are! Now come on!" Camila smiled at me as we all rushed inside, excitedly.

I was working on my sketch for Lauren, I had something perfect for her. It was simple, but beautiful.

I focused on Camila's and made it match her personality. Bright, beautiful, and extraordinary.

I smiled at my two designs, then gave them to the tattoo artist. My drawings were the first ones to be done.

I smiled as I watched the girl draw exactly what I wanted on Lauren.

When Camila gave her drawing to the girl, I gasped.

"Camz! You copy cat!" I glared at her and she chuckled.

"I didn't copy you, Y/N... I just felt that it fit her perfectly..."

When the tattoo artist was done, she showed Lauren in the mirror.

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