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"Alpha!" I called out, searching for him.

He rushed to me from his toy room. "There's my pup!" I smiled happily at him.

At that time I got a text message.
Possibly Austin: You look good covered in blood.

With the text message was a picture of me in bed sleeping when we noticed I was bleeding. Probably before I woke up.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted and dropped my phone, feeling completely creeped out.

Lauren and Camila's footsteps rushed upstairs and I immediately ran into the first arms I saw, which were Camila's.

Lauren grabbed my phone and looked over the text, I watched as her jaw clenched and her fist balled.

She looked around the room and found a camera that was recording us.

"Shit! They know everything!" I cursed out.

I panicked and started pacing around.

Camila immediately pulled me back into her arms. "Lauren, how long does it say it's been recording for?"

Lauren looked at the camera and stopped the recording, checking the time of the video.

"Two days." She said and Camila relaxed.

"Two days, which means you were already eighteen by then.  So, there's nothing illegal they caught. Plus, Lauren isn't your teacher anymore." Camila said, making me relax.

"But... what if there's another camera...." Lauren spoke.

"they're all broke dumbasses that spend their money on drugs, I'm sure were safe." I said and grabbed the camera, taking out the tape.

"How the hell did they even get in here? Maybe we should keep that camera for safety measures. Have it record us while we sleep to see in the morning where they come from, if they even do?"
Lauren said, more thinking out loud than a question.

"That could be good. Just no more sex in My room." Camila said making me laugh loudly.

"My room is perfectly good for that, Camz." I said and Lauren laughed.

Demi called me and I smiled, answering after the first ring.

"Hey Demz." I said into the phone.

"Hey, Y/N. How are you?"

I smiled at her voice. I went into my room to get ready for the interview with Simon as I talked to Demi.

"I'm fine. Everything's been kinda..... crazy lately...." I said as I got dressed.

"Crazy? Define crazy." She said, making me smile.

"Well, an old friend/bully of mine has returned from high school and has been stalking me with a camera. I was pregnant, but...I had a miscarriage....
And I'm currently getting ready for an interview with THE Simon Cowell." I said and she gasped.

"Holy shit, Y/N.... why didn't you tell me any of this...? I could have helped you..." she said, making me sigh.

"I didn't want to worry you, Demz... you're on tour..." she sighed and I smiled as I saw Lauren leaning on the doorframe, watching me lovingly as I undressed.

"I can teach you some martial arts, if you want... to you know, protect yourself." I smiled at Demi's cuteness.

"That would be cool! When are you coming back to Miami?" I asked as I slipped my shirt off, taking off my bra; my back facing Lauren.

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