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I woke up in a hospital, looking around for the girls.

I relaxed when I saw them asleep on the couch together.

"They've been here since you got here." I looked over to see a nurse.

"Just so you know, the baby is fine. But, you hurt your leg pretty bad there." She said as she changed the gauze wrapped around my thigh.

"What happened to my leg? I couldn't see." I said and she exposed the wound, making me gasp.

It was a huge gash from my knee to my hip.

"I'm not sure what caused it, but from what I can tell, it looks like it was either stuck or something was wrap around it." The nurse said.

I looked at my hand and saw it wrapped up.

"You also fractured a knuckle." She said and I winced as I tried to move my hand.

"Hey, don't do that!" She scolded.

Lauren and Camila woke up immediately and rushed to me.

"Baby! Are you okay?! Is the baby okay?!" Lauren shouted, in full panic mode.

"I'm fine, and the baby is fine." I said calming both girls down.

"What happened with the guy on the truck?" I asked and the nurse looked at me.

"He was drunk, and had marijuana in his possession... he was arrested..." the nurse said, making me groan.

I sat up and the nurse looked at me. "You're actually good to go, Miss Cabello. Just keep that splint on your finger for three weeks and change the gauze for the wound three times a day." The nurse said and I nodded, getting up, much to Camila's dismay.

"No, I'm carrying you." Camila said as she lifted me up.

I smiled and Lauren opened the door for us.

We headed home and I hopped into the shower, the girls doing the work for me.

"What do you think it is?" Lauren spoke as she rubbed my stomach.

"I KNOW it's a boy." Camila spoke.

"Oh, yeah. Well good luck with that because I KNOW it's a girl." Lauren teased at Camila.

I chuckled and shook my head at the two.

"Yeah, well guess what girls! The date for the wedding has been set!"

"What! Really?!" They exclaimed.

"Yup! July the 27th!" I said and Lauren gasped.

"That's one month after my birthday!" She giggled and we smiled.

"Anyways. Tomorrow is my interview! Then the next day is the day we make a music video!" I said excitedly.

"Are you sure you can still go, with your leg..." Lauren said, nervously.

"Babe, I'm fine." I said and she and Camila followed me out of the shower.

I changed the gauze on my wound and wrote in my notebook.

Camila soon went to go pick what she was going to wear for the wedding.

Lauren and I were left alone and I dragged her to the music room, begging her to make a song with me.

We wrote together, putting both of our thoughts into it.

A smile left my lips as I watched her write.

"Y/N. Stop staring." She said as she stopped writing.

"I'm sorry... you're just so beautiful..." I said with a blush.

She smiled and pecked my lips gently before editing the song.

About 4 hours in and I perfected the melody while Lauren perfected the writing.

I played it on acoustic guitar until we went to Simon's for the actual tools to make the song.

"She doesn't kiss me on the mouth anymore
'Cause it's more intimate, than she thinks we should get
She doesn't look me in the eyes anymore
Too scared of what she'll see, somebody holding me
When I wake up all alone
And I'm thinking of your skin
I remember, I remember what you told me
Said that we're not lovers, we're just strangers
With the same damn hunger
To be touched, to be loved, to feel anything at all
We're not lovers, we're just strangers
With the same damn hunger
To be touched, to be loved, to feel anything at all
She doesn't call me on the phone anymore
She's never listening, she says it's innocent
She doesn't let me have control anymore
I must've crossed a line, I must've lost my mind
When I wake up all alone
And I'm thinking of your skin
I remember, I remember what you told me
Said that we're not lovers, we're just strangers
With the same damn hunger
To be touched, to be loved, to feel anything at all
We're not lovers, we're just strangers
With the same damn hunger
To be touched, to be loved, to feel anything at all
I miss the mornings with you laying in my bed
I miss the memories replaying in my head
I miss the thought of a forever, you and me
But all you're missing is my body, oh
Said we're not lovers (we're not lovers)
'Cause we're just strangers
With the same damn hunger
To be touched, to be loved, to feel anything at all
We're not lovers, we're just strangers
With the same damn hunger
To be touched, to be loved, to feel anything at all (anything)
To feel anything at all
To feel anything at all
(You lost it)
(You lost it)
(You lost it)"

We sang together and she leaned in, kissing my lips.

I could feel the passion and love in the kiss. It was slow, not rushed, and loving, so loving.

We took our time exploring each other's mouth as if it was new territory.

Camila soon came home and we all had a movie night.

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