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I woke up to a gasp and a hand on my stomach.

"Y/N, Y/N wake up!" I heard Lauren's worried voice and sat up, feeling a wet sensation on my thighs and lower region.

I looked down to see blood covering my thighs and tears filled my eyes.

"N-No...." I said with a trembling voice.

"C-Camila! Wake up, I'm bleeding!" I shook Camila awake.

"Shit, baby lets get you to the hospital!" She panicked as she lifted me up and quickly got me dressed.

She rushed me into the car and Lauren followed close behind us.

She rushed into the car and we drove to the hospital.

Once we got there I was tested with the ultrasound to see if the baby was okay.

"I'm sorry Miss Cabello.... but the baby is gone." The doctor spoke, making me burst into tears.

Camila and Lauren immediately brought me into their arms and held me as I cried.

I don't know when we got home, but I was laid on a soft bed, most likely mine.

"Shh, baby get some sleep." Lauren spoke as she kissed my forehead.

"I love you." I slowly fell asleep, barely catching her last words.

The Words You SpeakOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz