
"Cat eye glasses." She finally said. "They're red. And super sexy."

"Can you change it to shades instead? But not aviators those are for pussies."

She pursed her lips, trying her best. It felt like forever of looking into her wide eyes.

And then she sighed in dismay. "I can't. They're still red cat eyed glasses. Can I ask a question?"

"No I don't hate you." I said, turning my attention back to my phone.

"Stop playing your phone!" She complained. I heard some shuffling from the bathtub, and before I knew it, she'd climbed out of the bathtub and landed clumsily beside me. "Ow, my butt hurts."

"Hm." I simply replied.

She placed her hand over my phone's screen. "Talk to me. I'm bored."

"We'll talk when you stop hallucinating and being overly friendly."

"I'm already sober," she insisted. "Look, I can count my fingers. And yours."

I tried prying her fingers away from my phone. Her fingers were clammy, it left palm sweat on my phone's screen. I gave up and turned to look at her.

She was pouting. And her lips were really fucking nice. I felt grateful that I was sober I don't know what other kinds of thoughts I would be having if I was the slightest bit intoxicated.

"Am I ugly?" She asked me in a small voice.

"No, you're not."

"I feel ugly sometimes. I wanna be pretty."

"Don't you think beauty only goes as far as one's essence goes?"

I doubt my words registered in her head. She just leaned her head against my shoulder and told me that I smelled like cigarettes.

I usually hated long hair being near me but this felt... I dare say, nice.

Where the fuck was Levi? I don't want to do this alone. Fuck.

"Can I hug you?" She asked.

"You already did." I reminded her.

"No I didn't." She protested.

"You did. When I first got here. Ask jeans brand."

She burst out laughing. "You mean Levi? Why do you call him jeans brand - oh. Never mind, I get it."

I leaned my head back against the bathtub. I came here to source new customers but seeing how life had other things planned for me I had a feeling I would be stuck here for quite a bit. How long did it take to get a drink anyway?

"Do you wanna make-out?" Ava asked out of nowhere.

"No, not really."

"Please? Just a small peck then."

"You're like fifteen."

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