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Paige POV


I feel a little bad, as I see Chey trying to catch my eye from across the Great Hall. But I just can't tell her. She wouldn't understand. Tears prick the edges of my eyes. I stare down at my plate of eggs and bacon. 

Then, a warm figure slid into the seat next to mine. I look up and quickly wipe my eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Finn?" I blink warily. "Oh, hey. Nothing."

"Don't give me that," Finn frowned. "Chey came to the infirmary at two in the morning yesterday in tears from a nightmare about you."

"About me?" I felt a bit faint. 

Finn nodded. "Yeah. So what's going on between you two?"

"We had an argument a couple of days ago," I admit after a second. "My friends wanted to start another "mystery" and try to figure out what was weird about the exchange students. I said I didn't want to since every time, it's gotten us in trouble." I stare down at my lap and refuse to meet his eyes.

"And let me guess, they tried to pressure you a little and you freaked out and you and Chey said some hurtful things." 

I scowl at my boyfriend. "Humph."

"What else is it?"

"What?" I turn and glance suspiciously at Finn. 

He crosses his arms. "I know it's not just the argument. You wouldn't abandon your best friends over an argument about that. What else is it?"

"Nothing," I reply, quietly. 

Finn looked doubtful but didn't press the issue any further. "Well, I'm here if you need me."

"Thanks," I smile. "Love you."

"Love you too," he grins and pecks me on the lips before going back up to the infirmary. I sigh and look down at my empty plate, suddenly not very hungry anymore. I see Anthony, Amber and Pip whispering furtively at the other end of the table. Leo looks mildly confused and then he catches my eye. 

He walks over to me and slides into Finn's empty spot. "Hey, what's up?"

"Uh, not much," I answer. "Why?"

"Nothing, it's just you haven't been hanging out with your friends as much as usual," Leo noted. 

"Neither have you."

"Then again, we're all in four different houses," Leo pointed out. "It's kind of hard to spend time all together when there are four different schedules to coordinate."

"That's fair." I check my imaginary watch. "Oh wow, look at the time, I have to go, so sorry!" With that, I rush off. 

"You don't even have a watch on!" Leo calls after me. I ignore him and hurry to Charms. Since the class hasn't started yet, I sit outside the door and review some of the topics we're going over in class. We're supposed to be working on Dillusionemnt charms, but considering Chey cracked that spell in first year, I'm not especially worried. 

Ten minutes later, the heavy footsteps of students hurrying to their next class sound through the castle. Knowing that Chey is going to try to be the first one there, I find a seat at the back of the classroom as opposed to our normal spot in the second row on the left. 

Sure enough, the first person in the room is Chey. "Paige, I-" But she is cut off by the rest of the class storming in after her.


Chey POV


I move to sit next to Paige, but she places her satchel in the empty spot next to her. Hurt, I move away to sit next to Pip. Draco hurries in late, and as such, earns the seat next to Paige, much to her obvious displeasure. Huffing, I turn to the assignment at hand, which is disillusioning a rabbit. This is going to be easy, since I managed to illusion myself and the Weasley twins in first year. My heart gives a pang of hurt when I remember Fred, but I quickly turn my mind to other things.

The other Chey is waving her wand in a million different directions. It looks like she hasn't ever used a wand before. Which is exactly what I ask her once Flitwick looks the other way. 

"Nope!" she smiles. "Hey, check it out!" I turn to look at her rabbit, which is now a turtle. 


Flitwick walks over to our table and stares, mystified down at the turtle. "This is Charms class, not Transfiguration, but I must congratulate you on an excellent show of magic." Chey preened happily and picked up her new turtle. 

"I think I'll name you Doorstop!"

"You can't keep a turtle in your dorm!" I protest. "It's against the rules!"

Chey smirks at me. "Watch me." 

"Flitwick will catch you," I warn. 

"He can try." I huff and go back to my table. By the end of the class, I see Flitwick specifically tell Chey to bring the turtle to the front of the class and she looks like she does. Until we leave the classroom. 

"I told you he'd tell you to put the turtle back," I say, a bit smugly. 

Chey gives me a smug smile right back. "He can tell me what to do all he wants, but in the end-" she holds up Doorstop "-I'll do what I want." With that, Chey walks away carrying her new pet and I can see her showing Abigail and Leo. 

I furiously turn to Anthony, Amber, and Pip. "Did you see her? She completely disregarded Flitwick!"

"Like you haven't done the exact same thing before," Pip smiles, throwing an arm around my shoulder. 

I huff angrily. "That was different!"

"Not really," Amber admits. "Hey, look there's Paige!" I quickly try to leave, but a familiar hand stops me. 

"Chey, can I talk to you?" Paige's eyes dart spasmodically around the hall. 

I shrug. "Sure, I guess."

Paige leads me to a quiet corner. "I have a huge secret to tell you."


Okay, another chapter up! I hope you guys liked it! I just got out of school and the ACT is literally this weekend. Can't wait. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!

I'm working on like three different projects at the moment, which is why it's been like years since I've updated, plus I have no idea what I'm doing with this story. 


*fourth wall breaks of its own accord*

Me: Hey!

Chey: Please let us out!

Leo: We're going insane in here!

Abigail: You're the reason we're going insane!

Leo: Am not!

Chey: Nico's dead, by the way. 

Me: He's what?!

Chey: Well, mentally anyway. 

Me: *sighs* David....

David: On it! CheyPaigeFanfic does not own PJO or HoO. Nor does she own the Harry Potter franchise.

Abigail: Shut up Leo!

Leo: I'm not doing anything!

Abigail: You're there and that's enough!

Leo: I could say the same about you!

Merrily: Both of you shut up!

Leo and Abigail: Shut up Merrily!

Merrily: Jeez... whatever. Just please vote and comment!

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