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Merrily POV


"You have to be kidding me." Currently, we are staring at a brick wall at a train station, which these people seem to want us to run through.

"Not kidding," Harry jokes. "Honestly, that's what I thought when I had to do it my first time." 

Mrs. Weasley pushes Ron forwards. "Why don't you and Harry go first, to demonstrate?" Ron and Harry grin at each other and push their carts directly at the wall. I flinch, expecting a giant crash to ensue, but instead, Harry and Ron have disappeared.

"That's so cool!" David exclaims. "I want to try! C'mon Leo!"

"Hell yeah!" 

"Language," I mutter. Leo sends me an apologetic grin and zips his mouth. He and David make a dash for the wall and I see them disappear. "Chey and Nico, y'all can go next."

Chey scowls at me. The two of them have been arguing ever since we got here. Actually, a lot of people have seemed pretty antagonistic lately. I really hope this place has a library so I can check to see if my theory is right. Preferably a library with all the books translated to Greek. 

"Move your cart over!" Chey complains.

"Whatever!" The two rushed their carts at the wall and disappeared. Abigail and I shared a glance and then we lined up our cart and started running. Even though I'd seen six people walk through the wall with no problem, I still flinch and brace myself for impact. Suddenly, a cool feeling washes over me and I'm thrown onto a bustling train station. 

"You made it!" Leo rushes over to me and wraps me in a huge hug. That's one of the things I love about Leo; he's always happy to see me, even if we'd literally just seen each other a few seconds before. 

"Well, you did, so I'd assume so." I hug him back and we turn to the train. Hermione, Ginny, Ryan, and Mrs. Weasley come in behind us and Hermione promptly delves into a detailed explanation and history of the train station. I listened attentively because while some of the information was more-or-less unnecessary, there are hidden nuggets of useful info. She'd done the same thing all through our trip to Dillygon Street, which had been extremely helpful. Especially when it came to sorting out our money. Thankfully, Chey had found the vault key in her trunk and Abigail managed to ad-lib her way through the entire transaction.

Because there wasn't enough room in the compartment, we all decide to split up, so Chey and I hurry off to go find another compartment. Finally, we walk up to one that's slightly full but still has some extra room. I slide open the door and...

"I remember you!" I gasp. It's the girl and the two boys from outside the robe store.

The girl, who's name I remember is Paige, pushes her glasses up her nose and her eyes brighten in surprise. "Yeah, you're Merrily, right?"

"And you're Paige," I smile back. "Um, we're having trouble finding an empty compartment. Can we sit here?"

"Sure, it'll be a tight squeeze, but we can make it work," a girl with bright red hair replies. 

"Thanks!" Chey and I slide into the compartment and push our trunks under the seat. I so miss suitcases and duffel bags. We sit down and the silence is deafening. 

"So..." The white-blonde boy taps his fingers on his robes. 

"What's your name again?" a dark-skinned girl question.

"I'm Merrily and this is Chey."

"No way, that's my name!" The girl, now identified as Chey, grins at me and then turns to our Chey. "Is your full name Cheyenne?" Chey just glares and flashes the middle finger. The other Chey looks extremely offended and scoffs. 

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