A Long Year

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Paige POV


I am not looking forward to going back to Hogwarts this year. The past three years have been so tiring, especially since my father died when I was sixteen. The war really wears down on you after a while, and the letter from my father did not help in the slightest.


Paige let the tears fall as she rummaged around the all but destroyed dormitory, looking to salvage anything she could. The bottom drawer of her nightstand was jammed. She debated opening it – she never kept anything in there. Nevertheless, she pulled and pushed and pulled until the drawer finally snapped loose, dumping out onto the floor.

Except there was only one thing in there. An envelope. Paige's eyes widened as she recognized it as the letter her father had given her not long before he died. She didn't bother with a letter opener – she tore it open.

The ink was somewhat faded, evidence of the passage of time. She unfolded the letter and read it softly to herself:


There are so many words a father wants to tell a daughter in his lifetime, but some words just cannot simply be formed. Azkaban has taken my mind – the only consolation is that I know I'm innocent. I can never be sure how much longer I can maintain my sanity, so, I much rather write this now.

I owe you an explanation of why I left. I love you and I love your mother. That's why. As you have probably heard from Arlia, my mother was... well, I don't need to teach you some swear words right now. She was not a good person – wrapped up in the pureblood mania sh rubbish and a follower of Voldemort.

As you can imagine, being a Black and being sorted into any house but Slytherin was a nightmare among every Black going to Hogwarts. Of course, since I was very different from my poor excuse for a family, I was sorted into Gryffindor, where I met James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. But that's not important right now.

My mother was beyond angry – I can still remember the awful howler she sent. When I ran away when I was 16, she burned me off of the family tree portrait. She also cursed any offspring of mine. However, I did not know about this curse until Arlia was pregnant with you. Only a week or so before you were born, I decided it was best if I left. The farther away I was from you, the safer you'd be.

But now I know that distance doesn't matter. If you are reading this, I'm likely already dead. So, now, I must tell you – you are cursed through blood. I don't know how harshly, but knowing what a (smudge) she was, my guess is that it's the strongest one she could conjure.

I am so sorry, Lynx. It is my fault.

But I want you to know: I love you.

Sirius Black

*end flashback*

I allow a tear to fall down my cheek. My best friend Chey looks concernedly at me. 

"Are you okay?"

I sniffle a little bit. "I'm fine, I promise." The words hurt coming out, but I can't possibly tell my best friend that I'm destined to die early. I just can't. 

My four best friends and I stroll down the crooked and crowded street of Diagon Alley. The moment is a nostalgic one, and my fingers itch for the notebook Finn gifted me. That was another reason my blood curse had to stay a secret. I truly loved Finn with all my heart, and I know it would break him if he were to find out. Amber's delighted shout breaks me out of my stupor.

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