short a/n: i literally forgot i previously wrote in jungkook's point of view before aoxhwidbei

rewind to the night before~

after confessing, he felt a huge weight being lifted off his chest.

he couldn't stop thinking about what you had said before, he didn't know why he couldn't stop thinking about it either.

he felt bad for constantly only paying attention to chae eun and neglecting you.

but he also felt like he really wanted you.

he was still confused, obviously, he's been chasing chae eun for ages, it made him feel like if he were to drop the relationship, everything would have gone to waste.

but at the same time he couldn't get you out of head.

well, no wonder it didn't felt right when him and chae eun got together.

in the beginning he thought it was just because when they did, him and you weren't exactly on the greatest term.

but he did solve it, and still, it just didn't feel right.

then your confession hit him, maybe, he did have feelings for you.

jungkook took out his phone and debated on texting chae eun.

he was trying to figure out his feelings, and he didn't want to have to commit to a relationship while trying to find out who he genuinely likes.

"maybe texting isn't the best. it seems kinda, rude." he mumbled to himself.

"i'll call her."


jungkook sat on his seat, anxiously waiting for you to show up.

you'd usually reach around this timing, yet you were nowhere to be seen.

he'd never usually come to school this early, but he really wanted to tell you he broke it off with chae eun, hoping you'd not lose hope.

finally, the person he's been anxiously waiting for walked in.

you sat on your seat pretending not to see him.

he debated whether or not to go to you, it was quite obvious you didn't want to interect with him.

whatever. he thought.

he stood up and walked towards you, taking the seat beside you.

"morning." he started off.

wtf jungkook.... that was awkward as heck! he thought.

"you're early." you replied.

"yea..... i thought you'd come earlier, i wanted to tell you something."

"w-what is it?" you asked.

"uhm, well, i think me and chae eun broke up...." he continued.

"you think...?" you asked.


"well, i called her yesterday to tell her that, maybe, things just weren't working out. and she just said 'really jeon, you were the one chasing me.' and hung up. she didn't really, you know, confirmed it or something."


"well, i called her yesterday to tell her that, maybe, things just weren't working out. and she just said 'really jeon, you were the one chasing me.' and hung up. she didn't really, you know, confirmed it or something." he replied.

you couldn't help but laugh at him.

"i think it means y'all broke up." you said while laughing.

seeing you laugh made him a little relieved,

"w-why are you laughing...." he asked.

you were honestly laughing harder than you should, even till a tear escaped.

"she hung up on you didn't she? you don't need 'confirmation' on these types of things kook...." you replied.

you could see he was embarrassed by what you said, he tyrned to the side to avoid eye contact.

"i didn't know.... i'm just scared if she didn't 'confirm' it then she'd use that against me or something." he defended.

that made you laugh harder.

"kook... you're hilarious."

that somehow cheered him up though.

a smile quickly formed as he chuckled at his lack of 'girl behaviour' knowledge.

after you cooled down, you decided to go for it and ask why, hoping he'd say what you've always wanted to hear.

"why did you break up with her though?" you asked.

he turned to look at you and suddenly the whole atmosphere changed.

"because i think i really really like you." he answered.

"i think, because i'm still trying to figure out my feelings, not in a negative way." he quickly add on.

"i broke up with her because i didn't want to commit to a relationship while trying to figure out my real feelings. if you know what i mean." he continued.


well, before you could even continue, the devil walks in.

also known as your teacher, Ms Kim.

noticing her walking in, jungkook immediately went back to his seat.

TIME SKIP: break

it was finally finally break time.

you figured you'd probably say you wanted to study or something and hide in the rooftop, again.

packing everything, you carried your bag and walked into the hallway, only to be stopped by non other than,


"let's go for break together." he said.

"actually, i was thinking of studying at the rooftop, gotta catch up especially since i missed le-" aaand you got cut off before you could continue.

"liar. i know you didn't study the last time you went up there. you were with dae won weren't you."

"how'd you know...?"

"i wanted to borrow one of your books for my next lesson because i forgot to bring them, but i saw you and dae won together so i figured i shall not interrupt." jungkook said.

"you could've just called me or something, you're making it seem like there was something going on between me and him."

"there clearly was?" he replied.

"was kinda jealous though, not gonna lie." he mumbled to himself as he put his books into his bag.

but.... you heard it.

not wanting to make things more awkward you just decided you didn't hear him.

"please y/n. i really want to spend time with you."


well that was a new feeling....


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