My body relaxed at the feel of Gracie softly stroking my hair while my head laid on her lap. I've been shedding a few tears here and there for the last hour since I've gotten home. I told her everything that happened between me and Liam also between me and Nathan. Even the times he's caught me staring to how he gripped my jaw to now. It felt good to just talk with her about these things.

"I just feel so stupid." I mumbled, my nose stuffy from the earlier crying.

She pushed some of my hair behind my ear, "Hey don't talk about my best friend like that." she lightly pushed at my shoulder and I smiled a little.

"You're not stupid B far from it actually, your only human he's the stupid one for throwing a jealous tantrum because, he's just a horny dog okay?" Gracie ranted out with a hint of aggression, rubbing my arm comfortingly.

"I just don't understand why he'd be jealous." I whispered, staring ahead at the tv that was playing the vampire diaries.

"I do, you're smoking hot and Nathan got your attention which he so obviously doesn't like." she explained.

Nathan, he was starting to until what Liam said fell on insecure ears. I don't know if I should believe him but, a part of me is very cautious now. Either way Nathan has always been so sweet to me and hasn't given me any reason to think he's using me. Then again I didn't think Liam would be so rude to me like he was so I guess I can't really know anything for sure.

I'm really starting to hate socializing.

"But, Liam said.." I started out only to be silenced by Gracie.

"To hell with what Liam said he's a jealous guy who probably just wants you all to himself, I haven't even met this Nathan guy but, from the things your telling me he seems very nice." she shook me a lot while spewing out her opinion strongly.

"He is but, what am I even going to do now Gracie my parents are probably going to kill me when they find out and I don't feel like giving them those kinds of details." I practically begged her for a solution to my problems.

"Screw them okay, just make something up they don't need details, you're a grown woman." she yelled pushing me off her as I began to sit up to face her.

I sighed in relief, "Thank you." she smiled, "For everything." I finished.

"I know I love me too." she nudged my shoulder with hers and got up, "I'm going to order us some pizza now." she chirped happily going over into the kitchen.

Now is when it finally hit me and I remembered, I was supposed to have pizza with Nathan for lunch. Just in time I seen my phone light up on the coffee table. I leant over to grab it and on the screen was a text message from an unknown number.

Unknown: Forget about our pizza?

Just from the text I already knew who it was but, I didn't understand how he got my number.

Belle: No, I'm sorry something came up and I had to quit, I just didn't have your number to tell you how'd you get mine?

Nathan: I got it from the receptionist said we were friends but, are you alright why'd you have to quit, hope it wasn't because, of this morning.

Belle: Of course not I just didn't think it was a right fit for me but, if you still want to get that pizza I could meet you?

I added the last sentence to hopefully get him off the topic of why I quit he replied and told me yes. So I told Gracie where I was going and was glad I had changed out of my work outfit into tights and a sweater earlier. Even if I felt like crap I couldn't let Liam get to me nor destroy my first friendship I ever made. I'd just have to be cautious is all and I would be most definitely.

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