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"Okay class, so I have picked one of the best essays about the poem."

Mister Kim takes out two pieces of papers and smiles, "Choi Beomgyu's essay is my favorite. It's so beautifully written!"

The class claps and looks back at Beomgyu who had his head low, feeling flustered and shy.

"Now Beommie, could you read it to the class?"

Beomgyu automatically shakes his head eagerly, "N-no, Mister Kim."

Their teacher frowns, "Please? It's so beautiful, I want the whole class to hear it."

Beomgyu denies yet again.

"I'll read it."

Yeonjun raises his hand and smiles, Beomgyu's face turns red as he looks at the older one who was already walking to the front and getting his essay.

He sinks down his chair as he felt heat dominating his ears.

Mister Kim stands by the window and smiles, the whole class were now all ears.

"Firstly, I'd like to say that the poem was beautiful. It really touched my heart ; I felt every word written on it because I, too, have experienced the same kind of love," Yeonjun reads earning oh's from the class.

"The poem talked about being wanted and protected by someone you treasure. That person sees the very best in you and that person can fix everything that broken in you."

Beomgyu looks down at his pen, memories kept on flashing in his mind.

"I guess that's the best thing about love, it mends you and molds you to the best version of yourself. And same with me, he also did fix me. The moment our eyes met, I knew I was safe. He became my shoulder to cry on, my human diary, my pillow to cuddle with, my everything actually," Yeonjun looks at Beomgyu who still had his eyes on his pen.

"He was that vintage coloured duvet that kept me warm in a cold December night, and the sweet smell of cocoa that excites me to wake up in the morning. He meant the world to me, and I'm thankful that, at least, I got to meet such an amazing person like him."

Taehyun breathes out heavily as he felt tears starting to form on the side of his eyes. He looks up to stop it from falling, after everything that I've done... he still called me an amazing person.

"But just as how love can mend you, it can also break you to millions of sharp pieces."

Yeonjun stops and blinks hard, he eyes Beomgyu who was now looking at him with those dazzling brown eyes.

"He broke me. He left me. He replaced me. When he promised me that he'll always be with me, that he loves me with all that he is. I guess the universe was playing pranks on me, it was good while it lasted. He is still an amazing person for me, he loved me, and protected me—and I will always be grateful for that. After all, no one has ever done that for me before. But now? I just want to move on, to let go, because I can't take it anymore. I can't stand watching him being happy with someone else while here I am, still suffering. 

In a dark night, I found myself painfully clenching my chest while being surrounded by broken pieces. As I grabbed them all with my bare hands, I cried even more when I found out that those broken pieces were my heart.

I know, there's no easy way of letting go, but at least, there is a way."

The whole class were loss with words, they couldn't point out what sort of emotion they should feel ; they never knew something so unbreakable and beautiful, could be destroyed and end up like this.

"To the person I'm talking about in this piece of paper ; do you still remember the time you used to sing to me? The last song you sang to me was 'Over and Over again', your voice sounded really beautiful that I almost fell asleep while cuddling with you. 

Do you remember the time you took me out on a date? You brought me to a hill top and watch the sunset, we even enjoyed cups of hot chocolate while snuggling with a soft blanket. 

Do you still remember every single wish we made together on those wishing stars? Those coins we flipped into the fountain? 

The stares? The hugs and kisses? Because I still do, and it still hurts."

Beomgyu looks up on the ceiling, trying to control his tears from streaming down like a river down his delicate face. Taehyun couldn't even look back at the older, he felt ashamed of himself.

"Guess what?" Yeonjun reads, "I don't even know if I still want you back, all I want now is to stop loving you."

The little one couldn't take it anymore, he drops his pen and walks out of the room with tears flowing down his cheeks.

Taehyun was silently crying, as all the memories of him with Beomgyu flashes back. He still remembers them, every last detail.

But damn, he messed everything up.

Yeonjun places the paper on the table and runs out to follow Beomgyu who was still not so far away. He runs to him and pulls him the little one for a hug—a tight one. The kind of hug he knows Beomgyu needs right now more than anything.

"I-I just want to stop loving him, Jjuni..." Beomgyu says in between hiccups, and hugs the taller one back, burying his face deeper into the crook of Yeonjun's neck.

The older caresses his back softly, hushing him, "And you will, I know you will. 'Til then, cry it all out. Jjuni is here, I'm always here."

Seeing Beomgyu like this broke Yeonjun into pieces, he never wants to see the younger like this. He always want to see him genuinely happy and loved.

And he will be the reason behind it.


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