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t h r e e

Beomgyu stood nervously while biting his nails, anxious if the person he's calling right now will answer his call, "H-hello, Taehyun?" The little one greets as soon as Taehyun answered his call.

"Hi Beomgyu," Taehyun says on the other line making Beomgyu smile so brightly. Taehyun's voice will always be enough to brighten up his mood, his oh so beautiful voice—especially when he sings to him, well, when he used to sing to him.

"I just wanted to greet you a happy new year," Beomgyu tries to stay calm as he twirls the telephone's wire around his finger.

"Well, the new year isn't here yet 'til two hours but yeah—happy new year too," The boy on the other line laughs softly making Beomgyu want to cry; he really misses him and his cute little laugh.

"Yeah... so... um..." Beomgyu didn't know what to say next, but he needed to think of something—or else Taehyun might hang up. And he doesn't want that, he wanted to talk to Taehyun more, like how they used to before; talking all day over the phone.

"Hyung," Taehyun calls making our little Beomgyu flinch, "What's with the sudden formality, Tae?" The older one laughs softly under his breath.

"Oh nothing," Taehyun chuckles, "But I hope you'll have a beautiful new start this coming new year! Be happy and well... forget everything that happened this year," Taehyun continues, saying those last words under his breath.

Beomgyu sighs, he knew exactly what Taehyun meant by that—but he can't. Not when he's still in love. He just can't seem to let him go, the wound is still fresh, yes, and big—but his love for the younger one is immeasurable. His scars will never be able to break the love he has left for Taehyun, nothing can and nothing will.

"Tae, are we hopeless now? I'm still willing to have you back," Beomgyu chokes on his own words as a tear fell down his cheek.

It was quiet for a moment before Taehyun decided to break the awkwardness growing between the lines of their call, he knew this call should never have been answered in the first place, "Beomgyu... let's not talk about this—"

"But why? Taehyun, why? How could you do this to me? Taehyun, I feel so hurt!" Beomgyu couldn't help it anymore, he wanted to know the reason why he had to live like this. All he did was to love him and be faithful—why did he had to experience this?

"Do I deserve all of this?"

"Beomgyu, no!" Taehyun answers, almost immediately, "You don't deserve all this."

"Then why?!" Beomgyu was almost on his knees, painfully clutching his chest as he cries so hard.

Beomgyu's parents and his two older brothers just stood there—watching him. They wanted to hug him, so bad. But Beomgyu needed this conversation to be enlightened.

"You don't deserve me, Hyung. You just don't deserve someone who's..." Taehyun stops midway. Thinking to himself if he should come clean or not.

"Who's what? Taehyun, what?!" Beomgyu yells on the call, somehow desperate to know why Taehyun left him after everything they've been through.

"You don't deserve a cheater like me."

Beomgyu felt his whole world stop moving, his knees melting down on the floor as he stares blankly at nothingness. He stopped sobbing but the pain was still visible on his face—Beomgyu felt destroyed.

"Y-you have been... cheating on me?" Beomgyu says in between his breath.

"I'm sorry..."

"Sorry? What can your 'sorry' do?! You've been playing with me and going with someone else when we're not together, while me? I stood loyal! I never wanted anyone else but you! You could have just broke up with me before going in a relationship with someone else!" Beomgyu could feel his heart being ripped to pieces.

He was played, cheated on, and was hurt; all he ever did was to love him purely and sincerely...

... yet he still got cheated on.

"Beomgyu forgive me, please, I'm so sorry," Taehyun cries on the other side. Regretting what he did, because he just hurt the person he never wanted to see cry.

Beomgyu breathes in heavily, his breathing shaking as he held on to the telephone tighter, "Was I never enough?"

There was no answer.

"Was I not handsome enough? Not sweet enough? Not sincere enough? Was my love not enough that you had to betray me like this? Like, I'm some piece of trash you just found inside a garbage can?"

Beomgyu looked lifeless, a moment of silence came before Taehyun answered, "You are enough..."

"... it's just that I found someone who's better."


[a/n] : hits hard, right in the heart.

SCENT (Love In Pieces) | BEOMJUNWhere stories live. Discover now