We cautiously walked into this old, ugly, smelly ass house and had weapons with us, in search of IT. I think it said it's name was Pennywise or something. I'm fucking terrified to be honest. The floorboards began to creak and groan in response and the house was dirty and had cobwebs and vines all around it. It smelled of decay and, if I could, I'd smell fear. Maybe I was smelling ours..

We were all around each other, trying to be ready for whatever was going to happen and I heard Richie say something.

"Doesn't it ever clean around here? God it smells!" He held his nose.

"Richie, focus!"

I glanced over at a door and saw it slowly open. What the fuck?

Y/n.. it seemed to whisper to me.

No don't listen!

I just kept staring at it and soon felt my legs move on their own, towards it.


The door slammed shut behind me and I jumped and tried to open it. Damnit.


After a few tries, I slowly turned around as I saw the clown.

It's face had curled into an evil sickening smile and began to laugh.

"Well, Hiya y/n!" It waved to me.

"Hi." I replied, nervously.

It made its way to me and I felt my legs beginning to shake. I heard the door trying to be forced open.

Where the hell is my bat?!

"HELP! HELP ME!" I tried to move but the clown had grabbed my arms.

"Oh don't be afraid! I just wanna have some fun!"

"I JUST WANNA HAVE FUN!" its voice began to scream and echo becoming more harsh and distorted.

"HAVE FUN WITH ME!" Its face opened and I saw more teeth than he'd usually have and he began to bite me.

"NO LET HER GO!" I heard Beverly scream.

"NO GET OUT OF HERE!" I yelled and screamed in pain and began to cry. It dropped me and jumped towards Beverly.

"NO!" I reached out to her, trying to move and everything began to shake. Its just in my head, it's playing with me..

I felt my body shoot up and my eyes quickly opened.

It wasn't real.. thank goodness.

I saw everyone around me, worried.

"Y/n! You're okay! You're okay." I felt Ben hug me and I was only afraid and confused.

"Wait, we didn't go to it's house?"

"No, not yet. That must've been a nightmare too."

I looked around in fear.

"Where's Beverly?!" I quickly got up as I saw she wasn't here.

"S-she went h-home an hour ago. Before you fainted, because of the heat. Something about her dad.. you don't remember?"

Then, suddenly I did.

"You sure you wont miss me too much, y/n/n?" Beverly asked after she told us she had to go.

"I will, but I'll see you again. I know it." I smiled back. She then kissed my cheek and left.

I frowned and said in a hurry "I'll be right back!" Before they could respond, I got on my bike and left to Bev's.

I know she doesn't want anyone showing up, she told me her dad was really strict or something. But I had to make sure she was okay..

I quickly got up on the fire escape and climbed into her bedroom window quietly.

I heard her talking to her dad.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! You like girls?!" I recognized the tone all too well. My uncle just before he'd beat Henry. I quickly exited her room and I saw how terrified she looked. My heart broke.

Bev is the strongest person I know. To think she was living with someone like this..

I heard him let out a scream and he hit her, she fell on the ground and he went towards her.

I jumped on his back and started to choke him.


Bev looked confused and worried.

"Y/n?" She quickly got up. I don't know why but I just now noticed the bruises on her arms. Maybe because she's good at hiding things.

I felt Bev's dad grab my arms and then throw me against a wall. I let out a groan as the air left my body. He started to walk to me, an evil look on his face.

"You think you can just hang around my Bevvie? Huh?"

I tried to move but everything hurt.

"N-no, dad! Don't hurt her!" She tried to stop him as she begged.

"I won't let him hurt you anymore.." I coughed out. He laughed.

I slowly began to pass out as I saw blood running down my face.

"Bev, run." I tried to say.

As my eyes slowly closed, a while later they opened.

"Bev!" I said quickly, remembering what happened and I got up. I ran towards a loud noise.

I saw Bev's dad laying on the floor and pieces of the lid of the toilet on the floor. He was bleeding and seemed.. dead..

I looked at Beverly.

"Beverly! Are you okay?!" She quickly hugged me and began to break down. I started to cry too.

"You're okay. It's okay. He can't hurt you anymore.. I won't let him."

She held onto me tighter as I rubbed her back and held her.

"I'm so sorry.. you got hurt y/n" she looked at me very worried and very upset.

I looked at her.

"You've been living with this creep and you're worried about me? You're cute, red head."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I frowned.

She moved some hair out of my face, smiling.

"I didn't want you to worry. I hoped he would stop but-" she sighed and spoke again.

"Let me clean you up." I smiled at her.


I had left Bev's after I helped her bury her now dead dad secretly. She said she just needed to be alone.

But I wish I hadn't left..

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