10| Hit The Road Jack

Start from the beginning

I just had to make her see past our strange first encounter and realise it for herself. We were her best chance at survival.


Evelyn's p.o.v

I woke up with a start, all my senses heightened except for one. My vision. I could hear a rumbling engine and the muffled sound of a radio but yet I couldn't see a thing. It was easy to make out that I was in the back of a car and was acutely aware of a sharp tightness around my wrists, causing me to groan at the chaffing skin.

Oh crap. I'd seen the movies and knew exactly how this was going to go down. I had all the necessary steps noted down in my brain.

1. Kick out tail lights to make a hole, 2. Wave hand out of said hole, 3. Handsome hero with a jaw dropping six pack and front page worthy bone structure chases after the car and saves me from impending doom, 4. Handsome hero instantly falls for my heart stopping looks and borderline average personality, 5. I get married and live happily ever after with my hero... or something to that extent anyway, I hadn't worked out all the minor details just yet. Would our first kid be called Jamie or Ben, now that is the question?

"Hello?" I lifted myself up as well as I could into a sitting position. There was a moment of silence before I got any kind of reply.

"Thought you'd never wake up." The familiar, deep drawl came from up front and I cursed beneath my breath at the memory of three dark strangers. From my surroundings I could tell that I wasn't stored in the trunk and began to panic, in all my kidnapping visions I'd always been able to follow through on the movie stereotype. Shit.

"You're going to let me go." I looked in the direction of his voice but it didn't do much good, so instead I focused on shifting across to what I assumed to be the window. "Help!" I began to smack the side of my shoulder against the glass pane, the cotton bag over my head forcing my breath to become raspy and short. "Help!"

"Oh cut it out will you." Luca groaned and I didn't have to see his face to know he wasn't happy. My head was beginning to swim from the lack of oxygen but I refused to lie back down, instead deciding to slump against the back seat in defeat. "Do I have to gag you, or are you capable of acting sensible without my assistance?"

"Bite me, asshole." I sneered back at him.

"Don't tempt me or I just might." Luca warned, and the lethal tone in his voice was a promise that made me realise, I might just be tempting the devil.

"Why have you taken me?" I asked above the sound of the radio, some rock song from the 80's was playing through the speakers and I couldn't say I recognized it. "Have you kidnapped me in order to kill me?"


"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not." Especially not with a damn sack over my head. I gritted my teeth in annoyance. "You won't be able to get far out of Amsterdam before my friends set out to find me."

"Your friends are the least of my concern, now would you please lie down or you're going to attract attention sitting up with that thing over your head. Especially with the random police checks for potential virus victims, I need you to lie down." Luca sounded fed up with the conversation and I couldn't get over our current situation or how I'd wound up tied up in the back of his car.

He had another thing coming if he believed I'd just follow his command like a willing lamb to slaughter.

"If you're planning to human traffic me, I should warn you that I'm a total disaster in bed, totally got no idea what I'm doing. I've never even done the sex before so I'm totally not worth taking, can verify that I am one hundred percent Virgin Mary confirmed. I don't know how much you've paid for me- millions I'm sure- but I'm really not your girl."

Deal with the Devil (18+)Where stories live. Discover now