My parents burst through the door at that time. It was after a long time, I'm seeing my Dad. We have been avoiding each other for a while since that night.

The Doctor walked in to share whatever he was suppose to..

"How long will she be in the cast? She have piano and violin classes. She have to get into a music school?" Mom asked.

"She have to come for check-up at appointed dates and honestly, it depend on how quickly she heals." The doctor give my mom a small smile.

"Will it be a month? Two?" Mom was panicking.

"Can you not worry about her classes now?" Dad surprised me by saying that. "She's injured."

"You're just glad that she can't go to those classes. I will make sure she joins the Music School and not your damn business school." Mom said.

They forgot we have audiences. The Doctor give me a sympathetic look and I looked at my hand.

"Do you guys hear yourself?" Troy suddenly interrupted. His Dad tried silencing him. "You didn't even ask how your daughter is feeling, but you're concerned about her classes and college? You should be glad, she only got broken bones."

I appreciated Troy's help.

"That's right." The doctor said. "What matters right now is she's safe and it'll take sometime for her elbow to heal. I have prescribe some pain killer."

"I'll  see you, Emily." Troy said as I was leaving.

"Thank you Troy." I said to him.

"You're welcome, love."

Our ride back home was quiet.

"Are you okay?" Dad asked me.

"Yes." I said.

"How did that happen?" Mom asked.

"An impaired driver." I said.

Mom made a disapproving noise and she didn't say anything after that.

I had to have pain-killer due to the pain. I didn't go to school for a week. Mom took her days off and stayed at home with me.

"Are you okay?" Bloom called me one afternoon during her lunch break.

"Yes." I said.

"We didn't see you for a week? What's wrong?" She asked.

"I have a fractured elbow.." I said.

"What?" She gasped.

"Yea.. I had a little accident in the weekend."


"It's a long story." I said brushing her off.

"We have time." Aaliyah said.

"Hi, Aaliyah." I said.

"We miss you." She said.

"I miss you guys too." I said.

"You're on speaker." Bloom said, "We're in the staircase and no one is here. Let me face-time you."

"That seem painful." Aaliyah said when she saw me with the sling.

"So, What happened?" Bloom asked.

"I was just going for my violin class and I was crossing the road and there was an impaired driver behind a car..."

"Is it just your elbow?" Aaliyah asked, concerned.

"And a scratch on my forehead. A guy saved me, so I just have a broken elbow and a scratch on my forehead." I sighed.

"Ooo." Bloom said. "So, who's that guy?"

"He's a stranger." I smiled. "But he got hurt as well." I frowned.

"What a hero." Bloom sighed.

"Are you coming to school this week?" Aaliyah asked.

"Yes." I said. "Tomorrow."

"We will see you at the bus stop?"

"Sure." I said to them. "Have a good day."

Mom said she could drop me off to school, but I said I was fine.

Aaliyah and Bloom give me a hug as soon as they saw me.

They told me what I have missed in school. It's just gossips, that I was not interested in.

The weather was getting colder now and we had to wear thicker clothings. Bloom was talking about her weekend get-together.

She spoke about how she tricked her brother to help her with a prank, but ended up getting prank.

"Did I missed so much?" I laughed as we walked inside the warm building and it seem like everyone's eyes was on me as we walked passed them.

We passed Everett who was talking to London, and it seem like the rumour is true after all, as she leaned forward to kiss him and he stood frozen. He looked at me with an emotion I couldn't understand.

It's funny how he didn't like her before and now they are dating. My heart clenched a bit and it would be a lie if I said I was fine, it actually hurts seeing them together, but he wouldn't have been happy with me. I hope he's happy. He deserve the best.

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