Part 22

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After the incident Steve and Nat went out to find their kids to go home. The kids were sad their play time was cut short but they were obedient kids and followed what their parents said. When they got home they were met with their friends Bucky, Bobbi, Wanda, Loki, Sam, Maria, Carol, and Valkyrie casually watching t.v. in the living room. "What are you guys doing here?" Natasha asked. "Watching t.v." Carol said simply. "Yeah I got that but why are you doing it in my house?" Natasha asked. "Sam take the kids outside" Maria ordered. Sam follower her orders and took James and Sarah to play in the backyard.

"Are you two back together?" Wanda asked. "Yes we are" Steve answered with a smile. "Well how did it happen Blondie?" Valkyrie asked. Nat and Steve explained the whole story but not going into too much detail. "Ok good because I sort of never had your divorce finalized" Loki said hurriedly. "WHAT?!?!" Steve and Nat exclaimed at the same time. "Well after you two told everyone about the divorce they came to my office and we planned it so that if you guys didn't get back together in 6 months I would finalize the divorce but if you did well then no harm no done" Loki explained. Steve and Natasha took a few minutes to comprehend what their friends did then smiled at them.

"Thank you for stopping us from making the biggest mistakes of our lives" Steve said hugging Nat after. "We thought you would last at least 3 months though" Carol said jokingly. "Wait so who won the bet?" Bobbi asked. Wanda pulled out her phone and checked before saying "Barnes won with the estimation of 7 weeks." Bucky had been quiet this whole time and just smiled before getting up and walking to the backyard to relieve Sam of his babysitting duties. Natasha told Steve she would be right back and followed Bucky. Natasha prepared herself for the conversation she has put off for almost a decade as she walked out. 

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