Part 4

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When they arrived at the restaurant Bucky opened the door for Nat and she said a quick "Thank you James" before going inside the restaurant. Even though Steve and Bucky had known each other longer that Bucky and Nat their friendship was one to envy, they were always there for each other and supported each other endlessly. Once they ordered and sat down at their usual booth to eat their food they easily started a conversation.

B: "So I take it from the words exchanged at the house that you and Steve aren't doing any better?"

N: "Saying that we aren't doing better is an understatement, I feel like everytime we see each other it just fuels are anger even more."

"Hey it WILL get better if I have learned anything from our friendship is that you will always figure out a way, because you are a hardworking badass woman that doesn't give up" Bucky said gently holding her hand in his. "Oh James you and your sweet words can get you anywhere" Nat said leaning into him. "Not to where I want to go though" Bucky said under his breath so that Nat couldn't hear him. Little did he know Nat heard every word. Nat has known about Bucky's feelings towards her ever since he tried to hit on her that night they met years ago. Nat has always felt guilty for falling in love with his best friend especially since he was the most perfect guy and any woman would be so lucky to be with him if he gave them the time of day.

Throughout their lunch date they talked about random things and time quiclky passed. Although their lunch date turned into a dinner date because of her ex-husband's shenanigans she still had an amazing time. Once they had arrived back at her house Bucky dropped her off at the doorstep. B: "I had a great time tonight Nat"

N: "Me too, do you wanna come in?"

B: "It's pretty late and I would not want to keep you up"

N: "I'll stay up anyways might as well do it with some company"

B: "Alright you know I can't say no to you anyways"

But when they got in they were met with a very surprising scene.

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