Part 9

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Tonight was their 3rd official date but if they counted all the times they just hung out together it might have been more like their 100th date. Steve however did not count all those times because he said "My girl deserves only the best" but Natasha loved all those domestic moments they had. As Nat was getting ready her phone suddenly rang she looked at the caller id and saw it was Maria. "Hey Maria" she said answering the phone.

M: I'll make this fast that lovestruck boyfriend of yours got all of us planning a surprise for you and I'm suppose to give you the first clue alright, so here goes "Where you first called me a "ебаный идиот" is where you shall see exactly hom much of a ебаный идиот I really am" you got that? "Yeah I got it" and with that Maria hung up the phone. Nat was dressed in a black lace dress with gold heels. She made her way to the hallway where Steve had bumped into her the night they first met. On the exact spot where there was still a coffee stain she saw Sam standing there with a rose in hand, "Hey girl your man got all of us acting as pawns for his surprise" Sam said giving her the rose and with that he left. "Go to where we first confessed our love" the note attached to the rose read. She went to the boys' dorm where she found Bucky waiting for her. "Wow you look stunning" he said as he saw her. "Why thank you James" she said with a smile hugging him. "Here Steve told me to give you this" he said giving her a note before leaving the dorm. "The place where we had our first unofficial date is where you will find your first love" the note read. It took Nat 35 minutes to arrive at the beach where Steve had surprised her with dinner and candles surrounding them on their first date. In the middle of a heart made of candles there stood her first love Steven Grant Rogers. "Hey" he said when she stepped into the heart. "Hey, you really overdid yourself this time" she said kissing him. "Yeah well my girl deserves the best proposal" he said kissing her. "Pro-proposal?" she asked once the words registered. Steve than got on one knee and took out a red ring box. "Natasha Romanoff I know without a doubt you are my soulmate, the love of my life, and my one true match so if you would accept which I really hope you do I want to give you this ring as a promise that one day it will be a complete set, so would you take this ring and never take it off your finger again?" Steve said with tears slipping out of his eyes. Nat was speechless and all she could do was nod with tears threatening to fall. Steve placed the ring on her ring finger and picked her up kissing her deeply. After a long time of just hugging and kissing each other Nat calmed down a bit and could talk again. "What do you mean "complete set" are there more parts?" she asked while pulling away a bit. "Yeah remember that jewelry store we passed by on our 2nd date?" Steve asked. "Yeah with the ridiculously expensive necklace I saw... no you didn't Steve that place is so expensive" she said not believing what he did. "Well some rich guy bought a lot of my paintings and well..." Steve said not wanting to finish his sentence. "And that was enough?" Nat inquired. "Well it was enough for a little bit over a third of the cost" Steve said quickly hoping she wouldn't understand him. "A THIRD of the cost Steve how much was this ring?!" she yelled at him. "Well it's a 3 piece set a promise ring, an engagement ring, and a wedding ring so threehundredthousanddollars" he said making the last word very quiet. "THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS?!?!" she asked in disbelieve. "Yes but don't worry I made a deal and I can just make monthly payments" Steve said trying to ease her. "No Steve that's too much money I can't let you spend that much on me" she said looking into his eyes. "Nat trust me when I say this you are worth way more than 300,000 dollars you are worth billions if you can even put a number too how much you are worth to me" he said staring into those green eyes that made him fall so deeply. "You are crazy but I love you so much" Nat said kissing him.

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