Part 2

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Their love story was one for the books. Both met at college and not just any college but the prestigious school Harvard University he was a Art Major and she was a Law Major. When they first met Steve did not give off the best impression.


Nat was walking through the halls late at night just coming back from the library studying for finals. When suddenly this big muscular guy ran straight into her spilling his coffee all over the notes she spent all day doing. "Ты, блядь, идиот, посмотри на то, что ты сделал" Natasha yelled in Russian.  "Oh my god I am so sorry I was running away from someone and did not see you" the guy quickly said offering his hand to help her up. 
Nat just looked at his hand and stood up by herself. Steve mentally thought to himself "Nice going idiot." When Nat was standing in front of him the two looked into each others eyes. Baby Blues meeting Light Forest Green it was as if they were staring into each other's souls. But Nat quickly pushed these thoughts away and her anger rose up again. She quickly yelled "You idiot I spent all day working on these notes for my finals tomorrow and you just ruined them!" while waving the sogging papers into his face. Steve already felt bad but now knowing the circumstances felt even worse. " Ma'am I am deeply sorr-" Steve starts saying but he gets cut off by his best friend suddenly appearing by his side.
"Woah punk what did you do" Bucky says seeing the coffee all over the floor but when he looks up and sees the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his life he loses interest in what happened. "Hey, my name is James Buchanan Barnes but my friends call me Bucky" he charmingly says flashing a smile that would make and girl swoon. But the girl in front of him did not even seem the least bit affected. Nat being done with having coffee all over her and her papers just walks away giving a deadly look to Steve.

~End of Flashback~

But even with such a bad start the two fell so deep in love with each other like it was no ones business.

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