Part 21

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Natasha watched as Steve pusher her off is lap and wipe his mouth. Deciding she wanted to see what Steve would do she stayed where she was.

S: "What that hell Blake!"

B: "C'mon handsome don't pretend you didn't like it"

S: "I didn't and don't ever touch me like that again!"

B: "What does that Romanoff girl have that I don't why are you so loyal to her, for god sakes your divorced and yet you still treat and call her your wife"

"Natasha gave me my kids and that alone is something you will never beat but she is also the most captivatingly beautiful woman I have ever met yet she is so intelligent, she is caring, a great mother, a great wife, and a great kisser unlike you" Steve said voice going softer just talking about Nat. Blake just rolled her eyes and said "You will realize one day that you don't belong together" before walking away. Steve was startled with a voice behind him saying "Steve."

Recognizing that sultry voice Steve turned around and said "She kissed me I didn't kiss back I swear I am so sorry I should've stopped her I told her to not do it ag-" But was cut off by Nat's lips. "You done rambling?" Nat asked. "Yes but I swear it was one sided" Steve said again. "I know honey I saw everything but even if I didn't I trust you Steve" Nat said softly. "So were good?" Steve asked hopefully. "Yes but can't say the same will be said about the bitch" Nat answered. "Told you you were jealous" Steve said teasingly. "Don't" Nat said and with that Steve shut up.


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