chapter 4 <who was he? Dora the explorer>

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The next day we were all having breakfast together and still I didn't talk to Cameron, I just didn't think he would tell anyone our secret, because when that happened I made him promise to not tell anyone. Okay its not like it was a secret on which life depended but still I trusted him.

Today dad insisted to driving us to school and actually I didn't want to walk or go by bus because it was raining badly out. Its not like I hated rain I just didn't love the idea of being at school like a wet rat. And second being in a bus full of wet people, um no thanks. Besides our schools are along way to dads todays job, he had some kind of meeting. 

First thing in the morning is meeting up with my friends under the maple tree. It wasn't everyday thing. Like sometimes someone wasn't there sometimes we were all there, but three people at least were there everyday. When someone wasn't there we didn't ask why because we always knew there is a reason, it was never because someone just didn't want to be there.

Sitting down next to Simon and jokingly punching him. I greet everyone "Hey" I say and right after I say it Simon punches me back on the arm. Its not like abusive friendship, its just our thang. Besides it was a playful punch.

"So Tori you going with us to hang out today?" Nora asks me. Already knowing the answer. I still wonder why they still bother even asking me. Because I almost never go.

I look down on my arm, I tend to do that when I'm nervous. "Am... I'm not really feeling it" I say to them, its not like I don't want to have fun, I know that I would like to go with them, but I don't want to be burden to them and it isn't so rare that when I'm actually going with them I get left out.

You know that feeling when on sidewalk there is only space for two people to walk but there's three and you are always the one left in the back?

Yea... that's how I feel when I go out with them.

I see Layla rolling her eyes and mutter under her breath "of course". I knew that she didn't mean for everyone to hear but they did. And of course Nora the best friend she is changed the subject and started talking about school stuff.

I had good relationship with Layla, it was just the fact that she was always straight forward and outgoing and I am everything opposite that.

After the bell rang we all went to our classes, I had biology with Alex but it's not like we were that close of a friends to sit next to each other. We were only friends because he was Nora's boyfriend and if he wasn't we would never even be friends. If friends is what you can call us. 

Why? Alex comes from very wealthy family. And I don't.
Alex is popular. And I am not.
Alex has lot of friends. And I don't.
Alex knows how to socialize. And I don't. And lastly I hate how he treats Nora. I have tried to talk with Nora about it, but no matter what happens between them she will always come back to him. 

So you see our worlds don't blend well together.

After few classes it was lunch time, but I didn't feel like going to cafeteria. So I went to the nearest market it was right across the street.

I walk in the store and go straight to sweets. Just to get myself a mars chocolate bar and gummy peach rings. And there was Riley standing from my social studies. She was wearing neon green cargo pants and black top. She looked at me and smiled. "Hey" she said to me. Surprising me.

"Hi" I simply answer. Getting mars bar.

"Ah I see you have great taste in sweets as well" she says waving mars bar in her hands.

"Uh yea I think mars is quite underrated" I say letting out a little laugh. And turn around to get peach rings.

"Okay. Stop. You and me are literally made for each other" Riley says cheering and I look at her with confused face. What I am confusion. This girl is weird. She just seems too happy. Its not bad its just weird.

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