Chapter #27 Meeting My Mother

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I play with the paper that had her address on it in my hand. I twist it to the side and up and down. Liam had the address in his phone and the G.P.S. guides the way. It says that her apartment is not even an hour away. She was so close to me and I had no idea.

We have been driving for around a half hour now and I was beginning to get anxious. My one foot bounces up and down and I fidget with a piece of my hair. Liam looks over at me and flashes a small smile. I smile back, showing him that I'm okay. When really I was a nervous wreck. My hands are sweaty and I quickly wipe them on my shorts.

It was a hot, June day in New York. Liam had the windows rolled down and the air whipped my hair all over the place. Liam had one hand out the window and the other drumming the steering wheel. He seemed to be a little nervous too. Only why would he be? It wasn't his supposed dead mother he was meeting.

After what seems like forever we arrive at a small apartment in between two restaurants. I tense, this was it. I was going to see my mother. Behind those doors I would get to see her after thinking she died for so long. I swallow hard and silently pray she's gonna be happy to see me.

Liam and I walk up to the front door and I freeze up. On one hand she could be the mother I remembered, on the other she could be someone completely different. I hesitate for only a moment before knocking on the wooden door. I hold my breath and wait until the door opens.

A smaller woman opens the door and I study her for a moment. Her hair is a golden color like mine but her eyes are green. She has a smaller frame and she's only a little taller than me. She blinks twice staring back at these two strangers at her door.

"May I help you?" she asks, her tone puzzled.

"Yes we are looking for Mia Brown" I speak up gesturing to Liam and myself.

"Your speaking to her" she says and gives a faint smile, "Come in come in"

She waves us in and we walk through the doorway. Her apartment is rather small, with there being three main rooms. The front door went right into the living room with a few chairs and old television. The next room I guessed was her bedroom. The door was closed and was nicer than the front door. Then there was the kitchen and a small bathroom next to the closet. She closes the door behind us and gestures for us to sit in the chairs.

"Drinks?" she asks.

I shake my head, "No thanks"

"So what brings you here?" she questions, "I haven't had visitors in...."

I stay quiet for a moment, "I'm Bailey"

Her eyes grow wide and she grasps the wall to keep her from falling. Her legs seem to be failing her, but she keeps staring directly at me.

"Bailey Brown" I mutter.

"How?" she gasps, "Justin told me you were dead"

"Justin told me you were dead too" I choke out.

We stay there for a moment before I run up to her. She embraces me in a big hug and pulls me tightly closer to her. I bite my lip, forcing myself to hold back the tears forming in my eyes. She begins to cry as well and soon we are both sobbing in relief.

"I thought I lost you" she bawls stroking my head.

"I'm right here" I say, "I'm right here"

Liam clears his throat and I remember that he's in the room as well. I wave him over and he walks up behind me putting an arm around my neck.

"This is Liam" I tell her, "My boyfriend"

She puts her hand out, "Very nice to meet you"

They shake hands and I wipe a tear from my misty eyes. Liam smiles at my mother and she returns it.

"Mom there is something I have to tell you..." I start sitting back down.

She nods, "Yes?"

"Justin is dead" I mutter, not daring to look her in the eye.

Would she hate me for killing him? Would she abandon and be disappointed with what I did to her son? Or did she hate him as much as I did. I doubted that. After all he was her son. She might not like him and what he does, but deep down there is still the motherly love.

She suddenly looks very hurt and clasps a hand over her mouth. I feel terrible and can't look at her. I hear her soft cries which only makes me feel worse.

"I knew it had to happen some time" she admits, "I just didn't want to accept it"

"Mom?" I start.

She looks overjoyed to hear that name again. But the only thing that comes with it is more bad news.

"I-..." I can't bring myself to tell her, "I killed him"

She opens up her arms and we hug tightly once again. I feel like all the weight I've been carrying has been lifted.

"It's okay" she says repeating the words, "It wasn't your fault"

"It was!" I sob, "He was going to kill Liam then keep hurting me so-"

I cry into her shoulder and she lets me. Even after I killed Justin, her son, she still found a way to accept me.

"How?" I ask. "How can you still hug me, knowing what happened?"

She sighs, "Justin brought the worst out in people. It had to be done"

I sniffle and she wipes my cheek with her thumb.

"I'm so glad you're here and you're alive" she cries, "I've missed you so much"

I cry nonstop in her arms. I can't help myself. This feeling I have in my chest is too much. What is it?

"I love you Bailey" my mom says, "I will never stop loving you"

Liam joins in on the hug and I realize what the feeling is. Love, my mother loved me. So did Liam. They were my family and I love them with all my heart. 

AWWWWWWW so much love in this chapter. Sadly this book has come to and end. I don't know for sure if there will be a second one. Thanks so much for almost 300 reads! I hope you guys enjoyed Family Forever! If you did make sure to check some of my other works! :)))

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