Chapter #8 Payback

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I look at the wound on my leg and grit my teeth. I have to somehow get it to stop bleeding before it gets infected. Justin only watches sipping his beer like he is watching a movie. He glances from my calf, back up to me and I meet his eyes. They seem to burn into me and I feel like he suddenly knows all my deepest darkest secrets.

"Don't worry about your bullet wound" he slurs clearly a little tipsy, "I'll tie something over it" "After all I need you to stay alive"

Most of the horrible pain has gone away and my leg seems to go numb. The only thing I can feel was a soft ache, like a heartbeat.

Justin stumbles over to the table and snatches a piece of cloth. He kneels down beside me and wraps it around my leg pulling tight and tying it. I go stiff and resist to scream out. The heartbeat is stronger now as well as the sting of the gash.


I feel it in my leg but Justin doesn't, he ties the cloth again and goes back to his seat. He slumps down and takes a long whisk of his drink. I watch as he finishes it and throws the bottle behind him. It lands and the sound of shattering glass fills in the silence.

"Oops" he grunts, letting out a harsh breath.

It's hard to see with the puddle of tears in my eyelids but I can make out Justin picking up his gun once more. He puts it behind his back and gets up from his chair.

I struggle again drowning in my own sweat. I can't tell who would be the one to kill me first, Justin or myself. My wrists are red and irritated from the zip tie and I keep desperately trying to break them.

Justin is quiet playing with the gun in his hand and pointing it at the wall. He fires and the sound seems to shatter my eardrums. He points the gun back at the wall and fires again. He misses. The bullet bounces on the ground and rolls somewhere into the darkness.

"Stupid thing" Justin growls, "Not working right"

"Justin?" a man calls.

My first thought is that it's Liam but then it hits me like a freight train, he's dead. Tears flow freely. I swallow hard and bite me lip searching for who the voice belonged too.

A man steps into the light and right away I recognize him. It was my father. The one that left our family when I was born. Mom had always shown me pictures of him so that I knew what he looked like. She never said she loved him though. Not after what he did to her. She never talked that much about him either. She didn't want to be reminded of the memories.

"Father" Justin grumbles clenching his jaw, "It was stupid of you to come here"

"Justin please let Bailey go," my father pleads, stepping closer arms outstretched.

"Why should I?" Justin asks eyes fixed on our father.

"She didn't do anything to you" our father points out, "I did. I was the one who left you mother"

Justin swallows hard anger flashing in his light blue eyes. He slowly raises the gun at his father. I didn't flinch. I didn't try to stop him though I should have. I wish I cared for his life. He was my father after all, but I didn't.

"Justin, my son" father whispers, "Don't do this"

Something started to burn in Justin's heart. He started to lower the gun, shakes his head and raises it again.

"I know you're fighting Justin, you were always a strong boy" father chuckles a tear falling down his cheek. "Keep fighting. This isn't you. I know what your going through"

Justin's face goes blank. He shows no emotion as he raises the gun and aims it right at our father's chest.

"Justin please!" he cries.

My brother stands there. No one talks, for a while it is almost calm. Then my father steps toward Justin opening his arms for a hug. Big mistake.

"Get away from me," Justin says, his voice dangerously soft.

"Put down the gun" father whispers, stepping closer.

"I could shoot you!" Justin shouts.

"But you won't" my father mutters, void of any emotion.

"I'm warning you dad!" Justin howls loading the gun.

All father does is venture closer and closer to Justin until he wraps his arms around him and embraces him tightly. Justin does not drop the gun. He stands there stiff as a door and with a horrified look on his face. My father reaches for the gun but Justin pulls away and pushes it to his chest.

"You need to leave" Justin snarls.

"Then let Bailey go" father replies waving to me.

Justin looks at me with fury and shakes his head.

"She is the one that made me go to the hospital so no, I can't let her go" Justin states.

"Justin," my father says, and he tenses.

"No" my brother replies.

"Let her go" father growls, "She doesn't deserve this"

"Oh but she does"Justin barks pushing the gun harder into his father's chest.

Justin puts his finger on the trigger and our father's eyes grow wide. He shakes his head quickly.


Justin flashes a wicked grin and leans in.

"This is for leaving my mother you ass hole"

The gun is fired and I jump with a start. My father falls backward, blood pouring out of his chest. Justin had shot him right in the heart and in only a few seconds the life left his body. I still wanted to be sad that he was gone. But I couldn't be. He left our mother and caused hell for our family. Part of me thought he got what he deserved. The other part told that I was turning into Justin.

Being near him just made it worse. Justin was having an effect on me. Like the older brother, he was a bad role model for me. He looks over to me and nods as if he knew exactly what I was thinking.

He doesn't bother to clean up the blood on the ground, only drags his father's body away and throws it somewhere where no one would find it. I listen as he drops it into something metal, maybe a garbage can. Then he comes strolling back in as if nothing happened.

The threatening gun is still in his hand and he points it at me. My heart drops as I stare at the open hole where the bullet would come from. He aims it at my arm and pulls the trigger.

The bullet tears through my skin hitting bone and causing the agony to ripple through my whole body. Red runs down my arm and drips onto my hands as well as the floor. My ears are still ringing from the sound and my head throbs. The pain in my arm is worse than when he shot my leg.

He steps toward me and slaps on another bandage. Only that won't help since the bullet is still in my body. The one in my calf was still there as well. If I don't stop bleeding and they don't get taken out soon. I will most certainly bleed to death.

I want that to happen though. It was better than getting healed then ripped apart again and again. Just for Justin's own enjoyment. No one would miss me, and I would get to see Liam.

Justin raises the gun again and I close my eyes.

"Please" I say in my head, "Let me return to Liam"

Sooooo the betraying father dies. He deserved it. Justin got payback on him hence the title of the chapter. :))))))))

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