Chapter #21 The Mistake

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I bite my lip and deny the call quickly. Liam looks at me with wide eyes and a worried expression.

"When I left and took some time on my own there were a few things I did that I'm not proud of..." I blurt out.

Liam looks heart broken, "Go on"

"I stayed at my dad's house and I felt terrible about myself" I explain, "So I went to parties"

I set my phone back on the nightstand and turn, facing Liam. My heart drops and there's a lump in my throat, this isn't gonna end well.

"At one of the parties I went to I met this boy named Oliver" I choke, "We were hanging out and I was about to go home, Lila driving me. But Lila was drunk..."

"So let me guess Oliver gave you a ride" Liam growls.

I nod, "Yeah" "Then h-h-he came inside and we sat on my couch and t-t-talked for a bit"

"Then what?" Liam demands.

"He told me I was beautiful and before I knew it we were kissing. I couldn't control it, it just came over me" I say fidgeting with my nails.

"You couldn't control it?" Liam repeats, "Bailey you could have pulled away right then!"

"I did pull away!" I cry, "I told him I shouldn't have kissed him and he left!"

Liam scoffs and starts to pace back and forth.

"Liam I'm so sorry" I whimper.

"You had a choice" he points out, "You didn't have to kiss him.

"He kissed me and it wasn't for that long at all!" I yell.

"It doesn't matter how long it was!" he shouts, "You guys still kissed"

I bury my face in my knees and tug at my hair.

"Just because you leave and go off to your dad's house doesn't mean you just start hooking up with other guys" Liam hisses.

"We weren't hooking up!" I yell.

"I thought you and I were finished at the time!" I admit, "I didn't think I would ever see you again!" "I thought I would have to move on!"

Liam stays silent.

"But at that moment I realized it couldn't happen, because of you. You are the only person I could ever be with. Not Oliver or anyone else" I say. "I pulled back from Oliver and told him to leave because I didn't want to kiss anyone other than you"

Liam's brow is furrowed and he sits on the edge of the bed. I scoot over next to him and run my fingers through his hair.

"How did he get your number then?" he asks.

"I don't know," I mutter.

"Really?" he snorts.

"Liam you have to believe me!" I plead.

He sighs and stops my hand from playing with his hair. I frown and he takes it with both of his hands and looks at me.

"Liam I am so sorry. I never meant for this to happen" I say my voice breaking.

He flashes a quick smile then frowns again, "It's okay I forgive you"

I hug him so tightly and a tear rolls down my cheek. I feel terrible for what I've done.

"Thank you" I sob, "I never want to lose you"

He pulls me onto his lap and wipes the tear from my face. My legs are on either side of his torso and I rest my head on his shoulder. I feel like a child again. He strokes the back of my head and I close my eyes.

"I'm so sorry" I repeat.

"It's OK" he whispers, "Everything is OK now"

I cry into his shoulder, overwhelmed. How could he forgive me after what I did? He truly was perfect.

"How are you so nice?" I whimper.

A light laugh escapes his lips and he just hugs me tighter. We stay there for a while just enjoying the silence. Eventually Liam takes a deep breath and I look at him with my eyes still red and puffy.

"Are you okay now?" he whispers with a gentle smile.

"Yeah," I reply wiping my eyes.

He carefully lifts me off his lap and back onto the bed. I tuck a piece of my hair behind my ear and take a deep breath.

"What now?" I ask.

Liam shrugs, "How bout a movie?"

I nod quickly, "That sounds great"

We gather several covers and plop down on the couch. Liam turns on the T.V. and I make a bag of popcorn for us. I sit down next to Liam who had found one of my favorite rom-coms for us to watch. I toss a piece of popcorn into my mouth and Liam looks at me frowning.

I laugh and roll my eyes. He leans his head back and I throw popcorn into the air for him to catch in his mouth. He misses most of them, the pieces landing on the floor. Then finally he catches one.

He whoops in victory and pulls me close to him. He puts an arm around me and I lean on his chest, then we start the movie. It's almost noon and the other boys are in their rooms. Liam all asked them to give us some time alone. I grin, he was so sweet.

The entire movie we laugh and take turns tossing popcorn into the other person's mouth. It got my mind off of everything. When the movie is over Liam and I go back to his room and just talk for a bit.

We share some embarrassing stories of one another and bring up old memories. It was one of the best times I've ever had with Liam.

"And remember when you spit water everywhere when we went on our second date" Liam recalls laughing.

I burst out laughing as well and my cheeks turn a light shade of pink.

"I was so embarrassed!" I say.

We both laugh even more until there's a knock on the door. Both of us turn to look right as Ethan walks in. He's pale and bruised with a nasty look plastered on his face.

"Bailey I need you to come with me," he whispers.

"What, Why?" I sputter.

Liam backs up putting himself in front of me.

"You heard me now come on" Ethan growls, pulling out a jet black gun.

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