Chapter #26 In Shock

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At first I don't process what Veronica says. I just stare at her. She opens her mouth to speak but shuts it again. Then I realize what she said. My mother was alive.

"What" I stumble for words.

"It seems when she was taken to the hospital the injuries were not fatal. Your brother must have scared her off then lied about her death." she explains, "I guess he didn't have the strength to kill her"

My mouth hangs open and I just sit there. After years of believing she was dead my mom was alive.

"We were researching your family profile when we found it here in our database. She lives not that far from here" Veronica states.

"Why didn't she ever come and try to find me?" I ask suddenly aggravated by the whole situation.

Veronica chews on her pen, "I couldn't tell you"

"She didn't want me?" I choke on my words.

My heart sinks and my head starts to spin. Was she too afraid to look for me? Did Justin make her believe I was dead too? Or maybe she just didn't want me. She didn't care for me enough to even think of finding me. She didn't love me. No one in my family did.

I stand up and Liam puts his arm out to help me. My legs wobble but I don't fall. I just stare at the wall. What the fuck was going on? Everything seemed to be going wrong. I didn't know what to make of it. Liam looks at me with caring eyes but I don't even notice.

"I'm so sorry" Veronica mutters, "Here is her address if you want to visit her"

She hands me the small yellow paper. I hesitate staring at the paper in front of me. It reads 8479 Weaver Ave. New York. I reach out and snatch the paper from Veronica. Veronica gives a small yelp before recoiling from me.

"I'll just be on my way" she utters.

She zips out the door and within seconds, she's gone. I still stand near Liam's bed. Holding the paper with my supposed dead mother's address. I feel shaky and my stomach is twisting every which way.

"Bailey" Liam whispers, "How are you taking all this?"

I shake my head, "She didn't love me"

"I'm sure she did, baby. It was probably all Justin" Liam points out pulling me back onto the bed.

I sit next to him, paper still in hand. He gently takes it from me and sets it on the nightstand.

"If she loved me she would have come looking for me" I say still in shock.

"I bet she wanted to find you, but she was just scared. Or maybe she didn't even know you were alive" Liam suggests.

"She would have at least tried!" I cry, "But she didn't!"

I grab the paper with her address on it and crumple it up. Then I toss it in the corner. I'm not going to visit her. I never am. I never will.

"Bailey come on" Liam starts, "You should go and see her. I'll drive"

"No!" I shout, "I shouldn't. Why should I go looking for her if she didn't even bother finding me?"

Liam is at a loss for words and blinks twice. He rubs the back of his neck thinking it over.

"You should at least talk to her. Maybe we can still catch Veronica and get her phone number" he suggests shrugging.

I shake my head, "No"

"Please. I know that if you don't go now you're gonna regret it" Liam points out.

I sigh, "I feel like if I go I'll regret it even more"

"At least go and get if over with then" Liam says, "Then if she turns out to be a shitty parent you won't ever have to see her again" "But you don't know unless you try."

I stare at him long and hard. God I hated when he was right. I didn't want to admit it but he made a good point. If she turned out to be the mom I think she is, I can just leave. But if she is the mom I've always wanted, I'll be able to be reunited with her. I turn away from Liam and cross my arms. I then groan and fall onto the bed.

"I admit" I grumble, "I hate that your right sometimes"

He laughs and does finger guns while clicking his tongue. I chuck a pillow at him. He dodges it swiftly and hits me in the head with another.

"Oh it's on!" I cry.

We both throw pillows at each other and whack the crap out of the other person. Liam is doing more of the whacking then me. I try to hit him but miss most of the time. He picks me up and slings me over my shoulder. I scream and hit him wherever I can with the pillow in my hands.

He flinches but does not let go of me. I struggle and laugh trying to get out of his grip but he's stronger than I expect. Soon I lean to the side causing both of us to crash onto the bed. We laugh, exhausted from the pillow fight.

Then we both get calm. He looks at me and pushes a piece of my hair behind my ear. Butterflies fill my stomach and I blush madly. He cuffs my face with his hand and nudges my cheek with his thumb. How can someone be so freaking sly and cute at the same time?

"So are we gonna visit her?" Liam asks referring to my mom.

I groan and look at him with puppy eyes. I pucker my lip and make a pitiful sound.

"Do we have too?" I ask.

He smirks, "I think you should"

I sigh, "Then I guess yes"

He pumps his fists in victory and I playfully roll my eyes. He can be a pain, but I love him. I spring to the corner and pick up the paper. I wait for a moment before straightening it out then folding it, and shoving it in my pocket. We walk out of the room to find Henry and Mason watching a show on the T.V.

"What did she want?" Mason mumbles.

"Just some family stuff" I say casually.

The two boys nod and me and Liam head to the car. This was it. For the first time in nearly five years, I was going to see my mom.

AHHHHHH I hate Veronica. But Bailey finally gets to see her mom! I'm  pretty excited to write their reunion lol. Anyway hope you liked it and get ready for one of the last chapters! :))))

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