His eyes suddenly met with Yunlan in a moment of stunned surprise. His sharp gaze in that instant had yearned for harm under severely thick long eyelashes. He walked a slight bend, but moved quickly to the restaurant's marble lobby accompanied by a beautiful elegant lady. The stiff master was politely greeted with a bow and a handshake by the restaurant director himself.

"Yunlan!?" Called the men with him.

"Is he a client?" Added Lin when they were being served a fancy wine to their table. They were for a moment distracted but soon averted their attention to the man their boss was caging with his eyes.

"I feel like a bullet overrun my rib cage and lodged in my heart. This feeling is not painful, but it is so strange that it cannot be explained" Yunlan thought to himself while his eyes still rested on the beautiful man. His smile faded, then a loud cheer from his friends distracted his focus.

The young elegant master visibly jumped and turned sharply toward the noise, his skin paler. He seemed annoyed with the presence of those unmanned men ruining the mood of the calm and fancy restaurant. He took his coat off and handed it to the servant, who seemed to have frozen momentarily and made his way to the table of Yunlan and his colleagues.

"Could you please celebrate quietly because we have other guests, Thank you" The servant nicely requested before the men apologized and lowered their voices. Soon their celebration begun.

"SID sent me the profile of that woman, She owns a casino and is suspected of doing some illegal business. Weapons Trade, drugs and the last thing you can expect is gay pornography. So far, there is no conclusive evidence, but there are suspicions surrounding the place. That is why a secret investigation will be opened. The only problem holding us back is who her husband is, he belongs to one of the richest families in the country."

"You are such a liar Yunlan, and we thought we are here to celebrate but it's always related to work" Da Qing replied, methodically devouring a large amount of fish.

"Just focus on your plate you asshole, this is bigger than your small dicks" Yunlan remarked rather vulgarly. Not that any of the men didn't expected such a speech, as his vulgarity was merely regarded as eccentricity, because he had talent and brain, an exceedingly long tongue, and an eagle eye. He was a bright detective that forced them both to respect and admire him regardless.

The two made no reply, as the expensive food was served to them, in their opinion, was much too serious business to be interrupted. They started eating without complaints or talking leaving him all alone taking care of this case while reading the behaviour of the man with his woman. But Yunlan was caught in an endless beautify that made him lose control of his focus.


"Shen Wei! You seem angry" His wife, who was lean and anxious-looking asked with a gentle voice driving his full attention. He looked at her wrathfully he then loosened his expression and apologized. He was upset that there were fools and weirdos of the sordid class that disturbed his quiet night.

"Excuse me Mr. Shen Wei! Did you call for me?" Wei had called for the restaurant owner and told him that he needed to chase those men away if he doesn't want to close up his business. He didn't expect that the man would be acting as fast as he could running to Yunlan's table.

Before Yunlan could understand what he meant, he pushed him away and jumped standing from his seat in a frustrated way. The owner staggered into the table, almost falling into the ground. When Yunlan grabbed his special investigator ID card, the man sullen eyes surveyed the piece document.

"I apologize Sir, please enjoy your meal. I will gladly take your orders on the account of our restaurant" The owner heard footsteps approaching him, he turned around. The tall and handsome man caught his hand and moved him from his way gently before he targeted Yunlan with a sharp tone.

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