Cha-pter *9*

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"Here are the documents to sign for the ownership transfer of your compounds. The Mansion you are currently living in, the villas and farms in the countryside" After Xin Ci placed the file in front of Mr. Bai, he stopped and looked at him when he realized that the man had unbuttoned his shirt and sighed. He was worried about something that probably was difficult for him to share with his most trusted attorney.

"You can still stop the transfer at any moment. If you sign these documents, You will lose all rights to half of your properties and you won't be able to get them back. You will become homeless" Xin Ci was restless of the quick sudden decisions of his boss. His anxious thoughts consumed him. Without thinking, Xin Ci marched forward and began addressing the man informally. He needed to see the full extent of Mr. Shen Bai's final decision.

"Shen Bai! The decision you are taking may be unfair and premature. I Know that Yunlan is your son whom you did not recognize in the past, and that he has the right to compensate him in the years that he lost. But, what about the twins? Don't they have a right to you? The way you treated them all these years for a sin they hadn't committed. Isn't it unfair to them?" Xin Ci pushed Mr. Bai's hand away from reaching to the file and looked at him in astonishment.

"After my only son passed away, I lost hope in life and also lost my confidence in everyone around me. I could only see in their eyes a spark of greed growing every day and disgustingly increasing. You are the only one that I trust now, don't let me doubt your behavior, which has become strange and controlled by one of my enemies. You are not my only eyes and ears, I can still dig after you and find what you are hiding" Uncertain of Xin Ci's intentions, Shen Bai glared at the man.

"Is Yezun threatening you?" Shen Bai was not angry with Xin Ci as much as he was worried about his only trusted assistant and friend. Upon hearing the sudden question, Xin Ci was torn by the mixed emotions coursing through him. He was furious at the name of Yezun brought to the conversation. But mostly, he was concerned for the limitless trust that Mr. Bai gave him and was ready to take it away from him.

Every time Xin Ci remembered how Yezun manipulated him, he felt like his whole heart was going to break. He finally understood that he was not going to keep Shen Bai's trust by listening to Yezun's requests more often. He thought about how he should handle the situation. After a little hesitation, he left the man with the documents in hands ready to be signed. He went to meet with Yezun and put an end to his dirty game that can cost him a long life of hard work.

Xin Ci went to his office after he texted Yezun to join him there. He was in too much pain to remember how Mr. Shen Bai gave him that look of doubt and threatened to take that great confidence he once granted him. He felt weak and dizzy and decided to sit on the couch. As he waited for Yezun to come soon. The young man offered no objection, he quickly followed the man to his office wearing a happy expression.

"Waiting for me?" Seeing the angry face of Xin Ci, after a short absence of an hour, Yezun had, of course, many inquiries to make. Xin Ci appeared to him very serious. The fact was, he had seen and heard enough to touch his feelings deeply. The grief of the orphaned child who grew up into an evil man and started to threaten his peaceful life and work made him completely helpless on how to deal with Yezun.

"I am not scared of you, I just feel sympathy towards you. You know why?" Xin Ci asked, startling Yezun.

"Because you are a victim of life conspiracies" Those sincere words had brought tears upon his cheeks, in spite of every manly effort to restrain them.

The War of Love and MoneyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon