Cha-pter *1*

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Today was a special celebration in the PIU, the Private Investigation Unit that completed 5 years of overtaking the crimes empire, they also got the most prominent project with which they will corporate with two of the biggest investigations departments in the city SCI and SID.

"Together will get closer to our goal. From the time I have started over this office, my only goal is to reach the heights of my idol Officer Zhan Fu. It's not like I want to compete with him,no, but I want to have this feeling to be on top of the world of investigation" Said Zhao Yunlan, as he closed a small notebook, gently placed the pencil in hand on the desk looking at his team.

"He is on top of the crime's world, you seem to admire him beyond boundaries, the only difference between you two is that you love him too much that you are turning gay for him. But he doesn't even know you exist" Da Qing was approaching his boss as he spoke sarcastically.

"Ahh! Why did I hire only assholes in this unit. I should change the team into more talented and smart sexy ladies instead of some dumb human beings, lazy and useless" For some ten minutes. The tone in which Yunlan spoke expressed more than ordinary gratification. But soon his mood went down after his secretary started verbally bullying him.

"Boss!" Called Lin with a tone filled with disappointment, he always pays the price of what Da Qing the wild cat says to their boss.

"Okay! No more talking about work, let's all go to drink. After tomorrow, we will be busy with a dangerous case. I got a call from SID and are asking for our help" Remarked the bossy man, with a meaning expression rubbing his hands together as he spoke, in the manner of one who is particularly well pleased with himself.

Soon Yunlan and his companions arrived at one of the fanciest restaurants in the city that they had never been to a place similar to it before. "Boss, you don't want us to end up washing the dishes, do you?" At this point the puzzled reaction of Da Qing was swiftly interrupted by his boss who always had a great deal to say.

"Shut up you moron! Today is my treat" He said in his sharp, clear voice. The men present collectively declared that such a behaviour was never his intention, Yunlan never treated them kindly or spent his money on his colleagues. He only loved to treat hot sexy girls to bars and casinos then take them for a one night stand.

"Weird!?" Da Qing coughed and said in an ironic way intended to mock and convey contempt towards his tempered stingy boss. For that especial occasion, Yunlan intended to treat them and celebrate what was coming. For him this new alliance with SID and SCI is a big deal of a project that will open several opportunities for him.

"I booked a table two months in advance, this is not the kind of place you get a table on impulse" Yunlan wanted somehow to treat their long nights of hard work with a bit of generosity and kindness. The restaurant was beautiful with it's large mullioned windows, long embroidered curtains, dark round tables, jasmine flowers placed on each table, delicate live piano music.

The guys were astounded to see this splendid place that reflected perfection with it's delicate details of lounge area with embroidered couches, oval coffee tables, tea served from silver trays in white teapots. The lighting was dim and the air was perfumed with the scent of elegance and luxury.

The waitress politely showed them to their seats. Looking around Yunlan seemed busy scanning the figures of all the people sitting around him listening to their noisy chatters. The restaurant was quite big as he found difficulty to find a certain someone.

"Are you expecting someone?!" Asked Lin while trying to read his boss's behaviour. They started searching with their eyes too seemingly trying to find a familiar person they could know. Soon Yunlan's eyes fell on a man with a brightly flawless skin combined with the elegance of his suit, designed to perfection. This man was most likely a masterpiece of God's creation.

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