Cha-pter *22*

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Lan Yi could not say a word, she was enjoying this as Shen Tian was kissing her on the lips. Both of her hands were held over her head by the sexy rich man's big hand. She could only fretfully shake her head to express a fake protest. Her protest, however, was ignored. Lan Yi was so immersed in the kiss to be able to pay attention to the man standing behind the only heir to the Shen family. She was frightened looking at Mr Bai that she swore she would definitely be a good woman in the future.

"Your dad!" She pushed Tian away from her and hurriedly wiped her lips dry. She apologized, titled her head down and walked past the frustrated man. Mr Bai looked unhappy about his son wrong choices whenever choosing a woman. He gave him a grave look before he asked with a hint of disapproval,

"Just what are your standards for selecting women? Is this the best you have?" Shen Bai's mind was in a total state of confusion because the son he raised to be proud of him had disappointed him so far.

"I like her, she is not fake. That woman is very kind unlike Zhang" Mr Bai indeed thought so at first before the woman could jump at his son, he sympathized with her and opened his big arms to welcome her and help her with anything she wanted. However, he just hid his big disappointment when the two started seeing each other and was crying inside. He knew that his son is a victim of greed. All of the people that got close to him, were coming for his fortune.

"I want to marry her" Tian said to his father when unexpectedly his dad shouted at him. He refused to accept their relationship at any cost. He knew the situation was too dangerous so his head was spinning with thoughts of how to make it end between them quietly and slowly. He kept thinking for a while on how to send her away from his mansion, but at the same time there was no better person to take care of his paralyzed wife and grandchildren.

Mr Shen Bai was sitting in the garden enjoying the fresh air and the scent of fresh roses while he waited for Lan Yi to come and have a little talk with him about her relationship with his son. Soon the woman showed up and was waiting for him to give her permission to sit. Mr Shen Bai pointed with his hand to the chair, asking her to sit down. She seemed a little nervous, though she was strong and kept looking straight into his eyes without hesitation or backing down.

"What do you like in my son?...... His heart or his money" The man was direct, he had taken her by surprise. Upon hearing his question, Lan Yi's eyes widened with so much astonishment. There was no doubt that the thickness in his voice was going to make her unconfident and uncomfortable. However, she kept her mind occupied with her answer that was building up inside her head to be wise and precise.

"Maybe both, can't I like both Mr Shen Bai? He is the first man to ask for my permission to kiss me, do you think I can let go of such a man? He is gentle and caring, he knows how to respect and love a woman beside he has little money, what is the harm of loving him whole?" Lan Yi was saying her quick prayers inside her heart asking for God to save her still from the bad temper of this man. She was being all honest with him, she assumed this was a wrong move but she couldn't lie or hide the truth. It was obvious the reason that made her fall for the man.

"But you are married and you have a son" During the conversation, Lan Yi's mind kept wandering in the very far past, when her parents passed away in a tragic accident leaving her all by herself. She had to work and study in order to live. She then married a poor man because she believed love will heal her wounds and thought money was not a big issue. Soon her love reached a peak after her son was born and they needed money to raise him.

"If you marry him, I won't forgive you. I can see through you an ugly greed for what my son has. I won't let you be happy if you ever dare defy me and accept his proposal" He said with an angry look.  

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