"How'd you get away?" Kristen asked, shocked.

"I head butted one of them." I shrugged. Everyone went quiet for a second before a grunt was heard. We all turned to the two guys getting up. Karsen, being nearest, backed the stinky guy into a corner. Stinky guy was on his butt looking up at Karsen who was looking down. He then looked as if he was going to kick him right between the legs but stopped before he could. He sighed and put his foot down and put his hands in his swim trunk pockets.

Stinky guy and his friend both turned pale.

"Um...let me take that for you..." Darrick mumbled and took the bag of water bottles from me.

"Thanks." I laughed awkwardly. Karsen said something to the two but I couldn't exactly hear. All of us were walking away already.

"Those guys were creepy." Karsen whined, slinging his arm over my shoulder.

"You didn't seem so scared." I laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah you didn't. You were about to kick that guy where the sun didn't shine." Darrick said leaning over and grabbing Karsen's arm and removing it from my shoulder.

"Let's just go back to our spot on the beach." Kristen said from gritted teeth. Why is she so upset? I seemed to be the only one who noticed because Coby was still clinging to her like a puppy and Darrick and Karsen were still bickering. That's a little strange...

Maybe it was just the sun. It's really hot out so maybe the heat is just messing with me.


"It's so hotttt" Karsen grumbled setting his chin on my head and slung his arms over my shoulder.

"Yeah and you aren't making it much better for me." I grumbled at him leaning on my. The feeling of sweaty skin on skin contact isn't very desirable at the moment, but when is it- actually don't answer that.

"Get off her, you'll just make it hotter for the both of you." Darrick sighed running a hand through his hair. Why is he a literal angel?

"My savior!" I laughed, shaking Karsen off. "Also, why aren't you disguising yourself? Won't you be recognized?" I turn towards Darrick while walking.

"My dad didn't let me out much, so I doubt they'll happen." He smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry." I frowned.

"A-ah no don't apologize! It's not your fault!" He smiled putting both his hands up in defense.

"Yeah it's not your fault." Karsen said butting in. Darrick and I both turned to him, raising an eyebrow. I don't think he even heard a thing Darrick said.


Once they all got back, the strange tension started to disappear. They were greeted by the feel of warm sand and the cool ocean breeze. Anna set down the sandwiches in the cooler and Darrick set the bag of water bottles down as well. Kristen excitedly took her shirt off revealing her bathing suit under. Multiple guys stopped and stated, to the dismay of their girlfriends. Coby, notching this swooped her up in his arms, her legs around his waist. She squealed, surprisingly as he carried her to the water.

Anna stood there staring at the two with her face contorted is disgust. It might seem romantic when you're in her shoes but watching it feels all to weird. Suddenly Karsen swoops Anna into his arms and runs bridal style with her to the water, to the dismay of Darrick.

"What the heck are you doing?" Anna gasped at Karsens sudden movement. He didn't reply to which earned him a glare.

"I haven't even taken off my tank top, it's gonna get wet." She frowned. He finally stopped and sighed. He carried her back to the towels and took her tank top off. Karsen was about to pick her up again, earning a hand held up, telling him to stop. He pouted like a child which actually earned him a laugh. Darrick looked at the two with his mouth in a tight line. He picks up a volleyball and walks to the water.  Karsen and Anna join them too.

The water was cold at first but it was refreshing in comparison to the blazing heat outside of it. Anna didn't waste anytime to dive into the water. She stayed under a while, peacefully, relaxing in the cool water before being pulled up. Karsen picked her up with his hands on her waist, pulling her out of the water.

"What was that for?" She asks in shock, looking down at him.

"I thought you were drowning." He said automatically. She gave him a strange look. She was only under for around ten seconds. She found him even more like a puppy, a puppy who can't keep his paws to himself.

Her blue eyes stared into his green eyes that looked back. The sun shined brightly on his dark hair. His body glistened from the sunlight, contouring his already toned body. Time seemed to stop for him, with her in his arms.

"How long are you gonna hold me out of the water like a child?" Anna finally spoke up, breaking his trance. He widened his eyes realizing and flushed his rare blush. As soon as he was about to set her down, a volleyball hit her on the back of the head. Karsen quickly set her down after that happened.

"What the-" Karsen began.

"Anna oh my gosh are you okay?!" Darrick gasped, wadding through the water to get to them.


"What happened?" I sighed rubbing the back of my head. Talk about whiplash.

"Oh my gosh! Sissy I'm so sorry! I didn't mean too!"

I know this chapter was all over the place, I apologize 🥺

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