Chapter 2

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"Just give her the book back." I jerked my head to see Karsen standing in the doorway. Shoot how long has he been here?

"Yeahhh no." Coby laughed.

"Coby! Just give my sister her book back!" Kristen said barging in. Coby looked shocked and quickly handed me the book. I dusted it off from all of Coby's germs. Kristen grabbed Coby by his ear lobe.

"Leave my sister alone." She hissed in his ear. He continued to smile but agreed probably because he loves her that much or whatever.

"Kristen?" I asked.

"Oh yes! Sorry Anna what is it?" She smiled I silently gave her the book. If my memories are correct then this is the book that Kristen wanted to read but Anna never let her.

"Is this?" She gasped. I nodded with a stoic expression. She quickly gave me a tight hug. I struggles but it eventually gave in and hugged her back. Coby was looking at us in shock and I just stuck my tongue out at him. Can't believe he almost ripped his loves book.

Kristen thanked me and walked out of the room with Coby.

"Hey Karsen?" I stopped him before he left by grabbing him by his sleeve. He seemed to visibly flinch at me. Oh yeah. I forgot. Anna was completely in love with him.

"Hm?" He grunted in response. I quickly let him go and gave him a small sad smile. Acting is key everyone.

"I'm rooting for you..." And make a sad face check. Shut your eyes grab another book and sit down check. Open your eyes and he's not in the doorway anymore check. He's gone ch- I turned my head and he was right in front of me. I had sat down at a table and he sat in front of me. I swear I jumped like a foot in the air.

"What do you mean you'll be rooting for me?" He tilted his head and his once icy eyes looked puppy dogish.

"Huh? Oh! Um it means I will support you and Kristen!" I said matter of factly.

"Did you hit your head too hard earlier?" He questioned tilting his head. So cute...wait is cute even the right word? I glanced at him and studied him. He was definitely masculine. His broad shoulders filled out his uniform very well and though the uniform wasn't too tight nor loose you could tell he was definitely fit. He's like a foot taller than me so why am I thinking he's cute. It should be more like attractive or handsome.

He coughed bringing me out of my trance.

"Oh sorry no I don't believe so." I replied. He still seemed unsure.

"You didn't run up to me to hug me." He said. I looked in his eyes trying to search for anything but I couldn't find anything. His stupid adorable unreadable expression. He reminds me of a big dog...

"O-oh we can fix that!" I grabbed his arm and practically dragged him out of the library and shut the door in his face. Then I opened the door again.

"Ah Karsen~" I beamed and forced and smile and wrapped my arms around him. before quickly letting go and erasing my smile. He stared at me his eyes wide.

"There! Better?" I said slightly annoyed. When he didn't respond I brought my eyes back to his and next this I know he was leaning in. What is going on?!

"Ow!" I squeaked and looked at him who was really focused on pinching my cheeks.

"Tdat hurds!" I whined. He widened his eyes even wider then they already were and quickly releases me. I rub my cheeks soothing them and next this I know Karsen's big hand is on my head and he's facing the other direction covering his mouth with his ears red.

What the actual heck?

I glanced at my feet and back at him. It's like he's surrounded by a bright aura and I can practically see a wagging tail.

"O-oh um when I hit my head because you suggested cancelling the engagement right? So yeah that's fine I'll talk to my parents about it later!" I forced a smile and removed his hand from my head before practically shoving him out of the room.

"Now go get her!" I said shutting the door on his face.

I leaned against the door holding the book to my chest and let out a sigh of relief.


"So what happened is Mr. Knight um here," Karsen had me in between his legs with his arms wrapped around me and his chin on my head. I had a really annoyed expression on my face. "suggested cancelling the engagement..." My mother continued with a flustered face.

"And you freaked out and fell out of the tree." She finished.

"O-oh I see! That's fine! I agree we can cancel the engagement!" I said with a smile. I felt Karsen tighten just arms around me slightly and frowned.

"But you guys seem very in love." My mother pointed out.

"We aren't though! I don't know why he's doing this." I mumbled.

"Mr. Knight do you love my daughter?" My father asked. Okay honestly what the heck is going on.

"Yes." The man of few words said, his voice was wavering though.

"Okay then it's settled! You will continue to be engaged!" My mother beamed.

"Oh goody..." I said laced with sarcasm, "May I have a word with my fiancé privately?" My parents looked at each other before nodding. As soon as they left I pride myself out of Karsen's arms. Though I missed his warmth I know he doesn't love me. I mean how could he? He hated me less that two hours ago.

"What was that about?" I asked. He just tilted his head.

"Let's get this straight. You don't love me. You love my sister and I'm not gonna just be some fill in until that happens." I said trying to be intimidating.

"But I do love you." He responded.

"But you don't."

"But I do."

"Okay if this was a hypothetical situation to where you actually did love me, which you don't, but if you did...what if I didn't love you back."

"But you do love me."

"How so?"

"You used to always tell me you did."

"I've changed since then. I don't love you anymore." I watch him slightly flinch and I automatically feel bad.

"Then I'll have to stick around until you do love me again." I sighed and rubbed my temples. Before getting an idea.

"I love someone else..."

"Who." He has this bow dark aura around him. I flinched slightly.

"No one you know."

"Impossible. Who. Do I need to kill them?"

"No no! Okay I lied!" I frowned and paced. Karsen like some ninja grabbed me from behind and spun me around. Who is this kid trapped in a teenagers body? Though his body looks like it could be an adults...

"So I am your only?" He beamed still holding me off the ground in his arms.

"Yes you are, but you don't love me."

"But I do!"

"No arguments. You don't. Listen, I heard you wavering when you answered my parents question. I'm not going to be an excuse for you to get close to my sister or anything like that." I frowned and he set me down contemplating in his head.

"Listen, I'll be blunt." I continued running fiddling with a lock of my hair. "I've slept with someone else. We can cancel the engagement now, no?" I glared coldly.

"It's just a political engagement, so it is not a big deal." He said though his brows furrowed.

What have I gotten myself into...

I did edit this chapter a bit. It still isn't good, so I am sorry, but I tried to make it better.

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