Chapter 7

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"What are you doing here." I glared down at Karsen who sat up stiffly, rubbing his neck.

"Oh Anna I didn't know you guys were coming here." He sheepishly mumbled. I sighed and pinched his ear lobe dragging him over to where Darrick and I were at. Darrick looked at him with a surprised look.

"Oh Karsen, hey." Darrick smiled to Karsen who just scowled at him.

"heh...well Anna since we are done, how about we head back?" Darrick brought his attention back to me and offered me a hand.

"Well don't mind if I do." I laughed reaching for his hand before Karsen smacked my hand away and took Darrick's hand away.

I widened my eyes at the two boys holding hands. They seemed just about as shocked as I and were frozen holding each other's hands. Karsen had a glare glued to his face while Darrick had a disgusted look. I stopped myself from laughing and slowly pulled out my phone to take a picture.

"Anna." Darrick said in a warning tone, finally getting his hand away from Karsen. I quickly put both of my hands up in defense.

"Okay so are we ready now? No fighting." I said the last part glancing at Karsen who wasn't meeting my eyes. He was acting so innocent it almost convinced me that he was.

I sighed and grabbed my purse heading outside to the sidewalk. Both of the boys staggered behind for a bit before Darrick walked up and moved me away from the road while resting a hand on the small of my back. I looked up and gave him an appreciative smile.

"What are you doing?" Karsen asked in a normal tone.

"I'm doing nothing." Darrick replied calmly. Karsen pointed to his hand on my back and Darrick retreated his hand.

"It's just something 'friends' do." Darrick said while saying friends a little weird.

"If you can do it to her you can do it to me." Karsen said pushing his way between us and grabbing Darrick's hand putting it on his back. Karsen continued to keep a calm and collected appearance while Darrick seemed ticked.

"Oh mommy are those two guys together?" I looked to see a little girl with pigtails say. She had one hand in her moms and her other in her dads.

"Oh sweetie don't say that aloud." Her mother replied.

"I've never seen two guys together!" The girl continued to say loudly which gathered the attention of more people who started whispering.

"Two guys can be together. We don't discriminate." The father smiled.

"Hey those two guys are cute." A girl my age says to her friend.

"Which one? The blonde or the dark haired one?" Her friend replied.

"Both!" She smiled running her eyes up along their tall forms.

"Wait but that one guy has his hand on the other guys back and the other guy seems to be leaning into it." Her friend says again in a dejected tone.

"Aw man the hot ones are always gay." The girl says again.

"We live in a sad world..." Her friends says again as they walk away. I found myself grinning from ear to ear as I grab my phone and take a picture of them. Both of them are still in shocked of what is going on, but soon they both shove each other off of them.

"Anna. Delete that picture." Karsen grumbled.

"Wait she took another one?" Darrick asked shocked. Karsen looked at him and nodded. Darrick frowned again and suddenly gave me a chilling smile.

"Anna delete it." Darrick smiled sinisterly.

"Um..." I frowned as I was getting cornered.

"Whew! Look at the time!" I laughed nervously and glanced at my fake watch before breaking into a sprint.


As soon as I got back I slammed my door and locked it. I sighed as I heard them on the other side of the door and slid down the door. I sat there for a bit before standing up and grabbing my purse. I looked over and saw rustling under my sister's blankets. I gulped and went over knowing what to expect, but in the same sense didn't know what to. I quickly yanked the blanket off of them to see both Coby and Kristen naked. They both screamed and I screamed and the boys outside the door screamed asking what's going on.

"I told you not to do the nasties when I was gone!" I screamed with a flushed face. I quickly put my hand over my bright red face.

"Jeez you interrupted us!" Coby frowned. Kristen glared and smacks him lightly.

"I-I didn't think you'd be back this early." Kristen laughed awkwardly. I just groaned.

"I didn't see anything. I will leave. Please continue." I quickly ran to the door leaving and running into a wall. Well actually two chests that felt like a wall.

"What happened in there?" Darrick asked worriedly grabbing both my shoulders.

"Yeah what happened?" Karsen said shoving Darrick and putting both his hands on my shoulders. I looked up at them with teary eyes.

"T-they were doing the nasties!" I sobbed and put my head in my hands. I finally calmed down and looked at both the boys who were just looking at each other confused.

"Nasties?" They asked at the same time with a confused look. What? Do they not know? Or are the just dense?

"You know..." I mumbled and did some lewd gestures. They looked at my hands confused before both flushing bright red. Both of them suddenly gathered me in their arms, which in turn, sandwiched me.

"You poor poor kid." Darrick said rubbing my head.

"Your innocent eyes have been corrupt." Karsen mumbled nuzzling into my hair. I stood their stiffly for a bit.

"Okay stop both of you guys are smothering me." I said shoving them both off of me. They both let go with not much of a fight. I went back to the door and leaned my ear back on the door and then heard them again.

I backed away and bent over and groaned with my hands on my head. I felt two different hands on either side of my back. I stood up abruptly.

"I'm gonna go on a walk." I said nodding to them.

"I'll go with you!" Both of the boys said at the same time. They both turned their attention to each other glaring. That gave me time to finally walk off a get a breather.

I eventually found myself in the courtyard. I glanced in my purse for my phone and found the cash I tried to give Darrick earlier. He accepted it! How did it get back here? I found myself smiling.

"Oh Anna~ What you're smiling about a few dollars?" Laughed a voice. I frowned and jerked my head up to see Mary with Kelley trailing.

"Oh hey Mary," I looked around her to see Kelley. "and Kelley." In the story Kelley was always more cautious and shy, but she was actually the worst out of all three of them. She was the reason Mary and Anna got expelled. She recorded a conversation and turned it in.

"So what are you that broke that seeing a few dollars makes you smile." Mary cackles.

"Yeah." I says nonchalantly. Which obviously confused her. She glared and quickly grabbed my hair and pulled my hair back to make me look up at her. I scoffed and winced.

"You know you have guts ditching Kelley and me." Mary continued to glare. I looked around at Kelley who wasn't doing anything though I know she was taking immense pleasure seeing me in pain like this.

"Don't look at her. She won't help you." Mary said jerking my head back to look at her.

"Let go of her!"

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