Chapter 6

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Hi my name is Anna and my life is kind of crazy.

Right now I have a hot guy on each of my arms and couldn't be more confused.

"Karsen...stop. I'm going with Darrick." I say. Karsen opens his mouth as if to protest but I put my hand up to stop him.

"No buts." I say again. Gosh I feel like a mom right now.

"Let me go get changed and I'll meet you out front of the school." I said looking at Darrick. He gives me a sweet smile nodding.


Kristen watches me intently as I choose my outfit. I pick a simple skirt and a sweater.

"So Anna~" Kristen suddenly speaks as I put perfume on.

"Hm?" I tilt my head.

"Have fun on your date~" She cooed and emphasized the word date. I blush a little but shake my head.

"It's not a date Kristen." I mumble.

"Sure sure~" She smiles.

"Oh Kristen?" I asked as I grab my purse heading for the door.

"Yes dear sister?" Kristen smiles.

"Don't do anything too dirty with Coby while I'm gone." I wink as her face flushed bright red. I quickly walk out of the room. Ah a one liner! I've always wanted to do that.

I start walking down the stairs and glance behind me. I swear I just felt someone's presence there. I gulp and suddenly start running. I turned the corners swiftly and the slid down the rails of the stairs. Eventually I got outside though slightly out of breath.

"Anna you good?" Darrick asks and then runs his eyes up and down me, sending shivers down my spine. "You look a little ruffled." He chuckled lightly. I laughed and patted down my hair.

"So where are we going?" I ask, walking beside him.

"I know a great spot down town. It's not too far of a walk. That's okay with you right?" He says smiling at me. I smile and nod to him. When we get to the sidewalk near the road Darrick puts his hand on the small of my back, moving him closer to the road and me farther away. How considerate. I thought with a cheesy grin on my face.

I jerk my head to look behind us.

"You okay?" He asks worriedly.

"Ah yeah sorry..." I mumbled slightly embarrassed. We continue to walk while chatting comfortably before reaching a homely looking cafe. He gives me a smile before opening the door and holding it for me.

"M'lady" He gestures for me to enter.

"Why thank you good sir." I giggle and give him a curtsey. Once we enter I widen my eyes. It was the cutest little cafe I had ever seen. It was small but cozy and very welcoming. That's all I ask for. We both make our way up to the register and I tell Darrick to go first.

"May I have a lavender tea?" He asks looking at the menu.

"Of course sir." The lady behind replies with a blush on her face.

" you invite me to get coffee but don't even get coffee?" I ask and act hurt.

"Please forgive me madam!" He says grabbing my hand  and bringing my knuckles to his lips. I flush bright red and look around. There aren't many people here but those who are, are looking. I quickly yank my hand away and fan myself.

"And what can I get for you?" The lady suddenly speaks up.

"Oh no we aren't together!" I said laughing awkwardly raising both of my hands up.

"No I insist!" Darrick smiles but his eyes telling me I don't have any other choice.

"Um I'll have a caramel latte." I finally say. After the cashier rings us up we find a spot in the corner. I quickly propped myself up and rummaged in my purse before pulling out a wad of cash and pushing it in Darrick's direction. He looks at me with a raised eyebrows and then back to the money before pushing it back.

"Anna no." He says in the middle of our pushing match. Eventually he sighs and picks up the wad of cash and puts it in his pocket. I smile and lean back in my seat with a triumphant smile.

"So if you don't mind me asking...why is your father so protective of you?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Well..." He begins running a hand through his golden locks. I swear the sun shone in just at the perfect moment. I think I can die in peace now.

"Here is your lavender tea and caramel latte!" A waitress says bringing our drinks out.

"Thank you." I smile giving her a nod, though all her attention was on Darrick.

"I hope you enjoy!" She beans again giving Darrick a wink. He just nods awkwardly before turning towards me.

"Sorry what was the question again?" He smiled bringing his tea to his lips.

"Why is your father so protective of you?" I repeat leaning my elbows on the table and putting my head in my hands.

"Oh right," He awkwardly fidgets with his thumbs, "my mom was killed by some assassins when I was a young age." I widen my eyes slightly but don't say anything. A thought running through my mind is wondering why a character ,that didn't show a main purpose in the novel, had such an extreme background. Is there something I am missing?

"So because of that my father doesn't want anything to happen to me. Heh, it's understandable. Any parent would want protection for heir child, but he is too scared to let me do anything." He sighs and rubs his neck with his hand. "I know he only wants the best for me." I nod silently and sip my latte.

"Sorry to bore you with my problems." He mumbled sheepishly and I practically sprayed my latte everywhere. I quickly tried to wipe my mouth. Darrick's eyes widened and he chuckled slightly before pulling a handkerchief out and handing it to me. I wiped my mouth quickly with my face being bright red.

"No!'s okay! I'm just not good at these things..." I laughed awkwardly. He gave me a strange serious look before reaching for my hand and holding it to his cheek, shutting his eyes.

"You being here is enough for me." I widened my eyes and my heart beat sped up. Then a loud bang was heard. I jerked my hand away and looked at the direction of the noise. It came from a booth but from where I was at I couldn't see the perpetrator. I got down form my seat and went in the direction having a feeling of who it was.

When I got there I peeked around to the form laying down on the table.

"Karsen....." I grumbled.

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