Chapter 8

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"Let her go!" I could barely see but in my heart peripheral vision I could see the form of my sister.

"Oh so the whore speaks." Mary laughs letting go of my hair rather roughly. I felt my sister rush to my side and and holy my head to her chest.

"Don't talk about her that way." Glared Coby, making his grand entrance.

"C-Coby!" Mary jumps back. Oh yeah so Mary = Coby and Kelley = Karsen!

"This isn't over both of you." She shoot us both a glare before running past Coby while dragging Kelley away with her.

"Are you okay?" Coby says running up, though he wasn't looking at me but at Kristen. I sighed as Coby scooped up Kristen and I just sat there.

"Oh my gosh Anna are you okay? I saw a girl looking angry coming from the other direction, so I thought it might be relating to you." A dorky kid in glasses smiled running up to me. Who is this? My memories flooded quickly.

"James Lively it's been a while." I laughed.

"Yes Anna yes it has!" He laughed pushing up his glasses. "So you good? Didn't get into too much trouble without me?" He questioned. James is the gay side character that everyone loves. He admired someone from afar. It wasn't crushing but he thought they were hot and would coo over them. Who was it again....

"Anna I heard those two girls talking, are you okay?" Darrick comes out asking with Karsen in his trail.

"Ah yeah I'm okay..." I smiled sheepishly and rubbed my neck.

"Anna since when have you met THE Darrick Larson?!" James said wrapped around my arm shaking me. Darrick, that's who it was. I remember now. Darrick was another side character that falls in love but isn't a main character so never gets that chance. Jeez why is my memory being so foggy.

"It's not that big of a deal." I mumbled.

"It totally is! You see how hot he is!" James sighed dramatically and wrapped me in a hug. "Sometimes I wonder if you need glasses...." Wait he does have glasses...

"Aye get off her." Karsen grumbled pulling James away from me and into him.

"Ooo and Anna who's this guy? He's pretty cute too." James does a double take. "Hot, he's pretty hot too. Why didn't you tell me you got two hotties and won't even share?!" He sobs. I sit there with a forced smile and look at Karsen and Darrick who just look confused.

I took a moment and looked around at everyone around me. One one side was Kristen being held in Coby's arms. In front of my is James admiring Darrick and Karsen. Then there is me. I just sit there for a second taking it all in. It kind of feels nice to have everything this lively.


I glance down at my phone to see a reminder. 'First class tmmr @ 8' Why do I need a reminder about a class? If my memory serves correctly, then we will be going on a big camping like trip. Past me, Kelley, and Mary hated camping so at a snap of our fingers some guys came and set us up a little shelter so we wouldn't sleep in the open or on the ground. Everyone sprawled our their sleeping bags somewhere and slept under the stars. It was nice to say the least.

In my past life I visited my grandma in the country quite often so this should be a fun experience!

I looked around again to see everyone still doing what they were. So, before anyone noticed I gathered my purse and made a break for it. Once I was out of there I rummaged around for the map of the academy I had. I flipped it open and grazed my eyes over it before finding my desired location. To the library! It's been too long my old friend! I've been stressed so calming down with a good book sounds like a great idea to me.

I opened the large door and was greeted by the smell that pretty much every library has. It was a big fancy library with tall bookshelves lining the walls and ladders to the higher shelves. You already know I'm avoiding those...

I guess I was holding my breath because next thing I knew, I was feeling light headed. I exhaled just in time.

I found myself roaming the tall isles of bookshelves, while dragging my hand across each spine of each book. I could get lost in here and I wouldn't complain.

Eventually I had gathered a stack of books and looked around for a place to sit. There were multiple lounge chairs and sofas. There were also many tables. I couldn't decide. Then something caught my eye. In the corner of the library was a big stain glass window. Right under the window was a large bay window. They bay window was cushioned with padding and had neat decorative pillows.

I smiled and propped myself up in the window, grabbing my first book and flipping it open. 'Reborn Revenge' particularly caught my eye. It's based on an actress who was betrayed by her lover. Being devastated she doesn't pay attention as she is stalked and killed. After that she finds herself reborn into her own body about a week before the betrayal. She decides that she is never going to let her actor lover or his mistress, who is also her rival actress, have the last laugh and sets a goal to ruin their lives.

It's a dark book, for the heroine decides to date her boyfriend still until the betrayal happens. She hides in the closet as the dirt goes down and records the cheating. Then at the awards ceremony for the movie they are both in, she airs the video. She of course is still sad, so she goes to the bar to drown her sorrows in whiskey. While there she meets the male lead. He is the most popular actor, but our heroine doesn't recognize him in her drunken state. The next morning she wakes up in her apartment with a major hangover. Next to her is our male lead with his arm wrapped around her waist. She stared shocked seeing that they are both naked. She quickly and quietly slips out of the covers and gets dressed to leave, hoping when she returns he is gone. He isn't gone, obviously, or the story wouldn't have any romantic sense to it.


I guess I dozed off. I sat up with the book I was reading on my face. I couldn't of been out too long because the sun is still out. I glance to my left to see a figure with their head down. The sun shined on their hair perfectly making it look like gold.

"Darrick..." I mumbled. He didn't flinch so I assumed he was asleep. His hair is so shiny. I just want to touch it. I gave into my urges and slowly reached down and patted him on the head. I started to take my hand away when he sat up and held my wrist. He had ear buds in. How had I not seen that earlier? I flushed being sorta embarrassed.

"I thought you were asleep!" I gasped. He smiled and took out his ear buds.

"I was just resting me eyes. I didn't want to wake you up." He said laying his head on his arms, his blonde hair hanging perfectly over his forehead and his sharp, purple eyes shining through. Maybe it was just this lighting, but he is really attractive...

"Oh sorry." I laughed nervously. Suddenly his smile faded and he stared at me seriously. He sat up and started to reach for my cheek. My body froze and I couldn't do anything but sit there.

"You have hair stuck to your face." He laughed and held my face in his hand and pulled away the hair stuck to my face. Jeez you can't just do that to my heart man.... I might get the wrong idea.

"Thanks." I replied and pulled away from his hands gently as if the spell had been broken. He gave me a sweet smile and nodded. I looked at him noticing he was in a lot more casual of an outfit. He had a hoodie on for one. Suddenly his hood was pulled back making him fall out of the seat he was sitting in.

Karsen frowned and came out of a shadow with a blanket draped over his arm. He glared at Darrick and dropped the blanket on him before cupping my face with one hand and whipping my cheek with his sleeve.

"Karsen? What are you doing?" I questioned confused. He didn't say anything for a second which gave me time to examine his face. Sharp emerald eyes and black midnight hair. His eyes were sharp and focused on rubbing my cheek. Man this lighting is really nice...

"I'm cleaning where you have been touched by this dirty man." He replied. I raised an eyebrow as he pulled away.

"Hey I'm not dirty!" Darrick protested as he jumped up. He stood tall and faced Darrick. This tension is seriously going to kill me.

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