CHAPTER 5: Crack Under Pressure

Start from the beginning

"Oh, come on, Eric, don't be ridiculous," I flinched at the thought, "yeah, sure, arranged marriages were considered a norm in the early 20th century, but we are in the 21st century now. Heck, there are even laws that prohibit those." I crossed my arms. "...Am I right?"

Eric scoffed at my obviously lame effort and continued what I thought was nonsense, "We were a perfect match. Firstborns of well-off, upper-class families solidified by a special bond of camaraderie, shared culture, and most importantly, wealth.

At first, our families were merely good allies in business and trade, when they realized they could fortify their partnership to the extent of marriage. That's when they started controlling our fate and pushing us to be together all the time since we were toddlers. As soon as they found out that there was something going on between us for real, they took advantage of it."

"Then how come I suspected no such thing before?" I asked.

"They're cunning, manipulative, and our parents. No explanation needed."

"So as I was saying, I was your escort at the debutante cotillion ball. My mom gave me the engagement ring — a family heirloom, passed down from one generation to the next. She said I must propose to you right after the ball, and I was told that it must be kept a secret from you," he said, showing a photograph of us on stage.

"But being the defiant teenager you are, you took a page out of your "how to get laid" book and snuck off with Nathan without so much as a warning, and I had to cover for you and lie straight up to my parents," he added.

"So you knew all along? And you had no decency, not even a little, to disclose this to me? Nice try, Eric, but I don't think I believe you." Pissed, I walked past him, not giving into his perfectly structured speech.

He held me back. "No, no... Avery, please. You have to believe me. That's why I told you to meet me at Wixton Academy the day after we met at the Founder's Ball, but you stood me up," he said, pulling my arm.

"Who would want to meet up with a two-faced prick who thinks so highly of himself? Do you even remember what you said to me that night?"

"No, you don't understand. When we met at the Founder's Ball, someone was there too; and he was spying on us. He was following me the whole time. That's why I acted like a jackass to you so that he wouldn't think that I told you the truth."

"Oh my God. Maybe that was the private investigator my parents hired to look for me!" I gasped, covering my mouth with both hands.

"Our parents have tricked us since the beginning of our friendship. They even bribed your professor into getting you expelled so you'd have to attend the Founders' Ball that they, themselves, have orchestrated so that there would be a possibility we'd meet."

"Wh-what? They wouldn't go that far, would they? I only wanted some time apart. I guess they've known where I was all this time," I said, taking a step back, processing my thoughts. Skeptical of his speech, I asked, "Why are you telling me this now?"

"Because, Avery, the plot may have changed, but their plans still remained intact. They want us to get married as soon as possible. Mind you that wedding preparations are being finalized as we speak."

He's right. I should've gotten drunk the moment he told me to. I can't even begin to comprehend which is real and what isn't.

This is just a lot to take in.

Having learned more unraveling secrets, I called a taxi cab and slept through the whole ride on the way home.

When I arrived, Nate was lying on the couch, watching Sports TV. I jumped over next to him, hesitating to break the news. He moved closer to me and leaned his head on my shoulder. His puppy eyes were an indication of his interest in listening to what Eric and I talked about. 

Still overwhelmed, I thought of not involving Nathan into all of this. That particular day was complicated enough in the version we have lived in. Telling him the entirety of what happened would just make the situation even worse.

But I told him anyway.

"Remember when you asked me a lot of questions at the Wixton's Founder's Ball about the night of our little elopement two years ago? It's ironic how I ran away with you to get married, only to find out I was supposed to get engaged on that same night as well. What a stupidly shocking turn of events. My parents have completely lost their minds," I mumbled.

I stared at a blank space.

"So what you're telling me is, on the night of the debutante ball, we snuck off together like star-crossed lovers in those Shakespeare stories, had a very hot, steamy sex in this apartment, and when morning came, you took off and left my beautiful naked ass drooling on your bed alone; abandoning me and the plans we made," he said.

"You returned back home to your gigantic mansion, waited for a couple of days in isolation, thinking about the what if's in life, then ran away from home on a solo trip, leaving everyone in your life; including me," he added, scooping a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.

He moaned in delight of the cold dessert. "You disappeared for two years to wherever your car has taken you and not a single clue of who you were with. As soon as you were done soul searching or finding whatever paradise hidden out there in the horizons, you came back here in this apartment and planned to start anew. Is that about it?"

"Yes! Wow. Who knew you were so good at this! Wait, so...does that mean you're not mad at me anymore? Are we finally burying the hatchet and moving on from the past? But at the Founder's Ball, you were so —"

"Nah, save it. You know I don't hold grudges. Life's too short to hate the only person whom you know you can't last a day without," Nate interrupted.

I turned around quickly. I didn't want him to see me smile, or hear the butterflies uproaring inside my stomach.

"Here, have some ice cream. I picked up some flavors when I bought a few bandages. No one can say no to Ben & Jerry's," Nate said, shoving the spoonful of chocolate almonds straight into my mouth. He laughed shamelessly at my bloated face whilst the chocolate melted down at the corner of his right lip.

Life, indeed, has no shortage of surprises and secrets.

Who knows what more revelations there are buried for me to dig into? After all, all I need is to bring a shovel, and someone who can take me to the right spot.

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