Broken Ribs And Fractured Leg.

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Mia's POV

"I'm sorry Mia. I just wanted you back since my ex cheated on and I guess I just wanted to make her jealous and so I thought of kind of using you." Tristan said regretfully.
And from the corner of my eyes I saw Andrew clenching his jaw.

Oh let me explain what happened.
Apparently Kevin and Andrew lied to us about going to the gym and went behind him instead.

And since Andrew couldn't keep his anger in he landed a fist on his face and a fight broke out since Tristan had his men.
Lex and I had no idea this would turn into such a big issue.
Andrew was kind of overreacting.
This could have been sorted out just by talking.
Later Kevin called me and told that Andrew had hit his head so Lex and I rushed to the hospital.
Well Andrew had black and blue marks all over his face and a big bump on his forehead.
I was really worried seeing his face all black and blue I knew it was a pretty intense fight.
Kevin told me about Tristan and he was in the same hospital with a few broken ribs and a fractured leg.
Kevin had a blue eye and nothing major.

I told them I was going to meet him but Andrew kindly declined to which I stubbornly got up and told him I will go and he cannot stop me. So he accompanied me to Tristan's ward.

Back to present.
"It's okay Tristan I get it." I said and placed a hand on his arm to comfort him. When Andrew cleared his throat.
I swear to god this man!!!!
"I'm really sorry Mia. I hope you forgive me." he says as guilt consumes him.
"it's okay Tristan just leave it I forgive you. I'm sure you will find someone you truly love." I say as I smile at him.
"I should get going you need some rest and sorry for Andrew's behavior." I say while glaring at Andrew.
He smiles and waves at me.
We both leave his room.
"I'm also hurt." Andrew says while giving me puppy dog eyes.
"Well it was your fault." I say while trying not to look at his face.
"I am sorry peaches. I just want you to myself. I know it's selfish of me to say that but I don't care. You are mine to protect and love." he says while lowering his head.
I love his possessive side but sometimes it's really annoying.
"I know but sometimes people tend to communicate to solve problems and not use their physical strength." I say while smiling at him.

"Okay both of you eat each others face at home and can we please leave this place I don't like hospitals." Lex says coming towards us.
I laugh at her and Andrew places his arms around my shoulders.

We all make our way towards our respective cars.
Kevin drives away with lex.

"But I can drive peaches." Andrew whines.
"I know you can but right now I don't want you too." I say while opening the driver's door.
He just stands there glaring at the car door.
"If you let me drive you can stay over tonight." I sigh. Bribing seems about right.
He quickly comes and sits without another word and plays the radio.
Which plays a rap.
I love rap so I don't mind.

We reach home and I put the oinment the doctor gave on Andrew's face.
He looks kind of funny.

Charlie was worried and was about to call our parents.
Thank the lord above that we reached home on time.

We had our dinner which was delicious.
Of course Kevin being the whiny brat he his he sprawled on the floor like a child to make Lex come with him.
Since Andrew was staying with me.
But Lex was kinda shy and flustered about it.
So Kevin started whining and throwing a fit.

It was an amazing sight to see.
Well Lex agreed and they went towards the boys house while Andrew and I stayed at our house.


Heylo lovelies.
Hope you all liked the chap.
Love you all

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