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If you find yourself yawning a lot after this, don't panic it's normal.

Po yawned quietly as he got up from his bed. He stretched his back and a tremor ran through his spine, making his belly jiggle in minute waves. He stopped his stretching and went out to the door. He yawned again just as Tigress was coming out. "Good morning, Tigress," He said groggily. Tigress held her mouth shut.

"Morning Po," She said quickly. Po could see her mouth stretch but she didn't allow her mouth to open. Have you ever seen someone try to hold a yawn in their mouth without covering it? It looks really weird. Po noticed this. Tigress continued to say, "Master Shifu has told us that we're not going to train today because he's taking the rest of the Furious Five out on a trip."

"What?! Why didn't they take me?" Po exclaimed.

"They were going to the council board meeting," Tigress said.

"Oh," Po replied. "So, they actually did me a favor. Why didn't you go?"

"I wanted to work out," Tigress answered. The council board was a meeting of the Kung Fu Masters. It's usually held once every month. It was a boring meeting on things that ranged from district lines and which Kung Fu moves to legalize to which formal parties the masters should have and what outfits to wear. The very thought of it was making Po yawn. Tigress quickly covered her mouth when she saw him yawn. "Po! Stop yawning! It's contagious," Tigress remarked.

"Sorry," Po said defensively. Po wondered what was going on with Tigress. She wasn't usually this irritated. Then he came up with an idea. They went to the kitchen where Tigress and Po had their usual. Tigress had three soy cubes and Po had the entire kitchen. But Po had a mischievous smile on his face as he thought about his plan. "Tigress, I've figured out a Kung Fu move that you can use on your opponent without moving," Po said.

Tigress eyed him suspiciously. "How?"

"You learn some things from Master Oogway," Po replied smartly. He was lying but he wanted to know what was going on with Tigress. "I could show you," Po offered. Tigress stared at Po a while before saying anything.

"Okay," Tigress said as Po sat at the other end of the table.

"Good, now, place both hands on the table away from you and each other," Po said. Tigress slowly did. "Now, this part requires me to hold your hands."

"Why do I have to have my hands restricted," Tigress asked, being cautious.

"Well, if you feel uncomfortable about it, we can always stop," Po offered. Tigress was curious so she went along with it. "Okay, now I'm going to have to hold-" And he yawned. Tigress quickly tried to cover her mouth, but her hands were stopped by Po. She tried to suppress it but it didn't work. She tried everything to hold it, but she couldn't.

"Mrow!" She quickly and cutely yawned. After that, she felt Po release her. Her hands flew to her mouth and her eyes stayed wide open. Oh no, Tigress thought to herself, "Now he's going to make a big deal about my yawn, and everyone is going to know that I yawn like a little kitten."

"So you can yawn," Po said openly. Tigress rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I can yawn," Tigress retorted, "Why on earth would you go through all that trouble to see if I could yawn?"

"Well, because I was beginning to think you couldn't yawn with all the hiding."

"I can yawn. I just hate my yawn," Tigress muttered.

"Why? It doesn't sound weird," Po replied.

"My yawn sounds like a little kitten. It's completely childish," Tigress answered.

"Ugh, does everything have to be 'mature' with you?" Po complained. "Tigress, your yawn is fine."

"You mean you didn't hear the meow?" Tigress asked.

"Oh, I heard it and I thought it was c- I mean, kind of okay. And plus, it's normal for you to sound like that."

"But it makes me look like a twelve-year-old kitten," Tigress grumbled, resting her head on the table crossing her arms around her mouth.

"Tigress, not everything childish is a bad thing. Look, can you imagine if I were like you?" Po asked. "Would I be better if I was all grown up, mature, and adult?" Tigress honestly thought about it but considered it bad. Thinking about all the times Po did do something mature, it often ended in her wishing he was normal.

"No," Tigress replied.

"Really?" Po asked. He was just curiously asking, but he found it interesting that Tigress didn't want him to be like that. "I mean, I wouldn't annoy you as much, I would get everything right."

"Po, when I imagine you mature, the only thing that comes to mind is Tai-Lung for some reason," Tigress answered. "That's not to mean you wouldn't be a good guy, but something about you being anything but yourself really creeps me out. You should just accept it." Tigress saw Po's smile. "And I should accept myself as well, huh?"

"There you go," Po replied as he stood up. "Now you understand that even with a c- kind yawn, you're still the same to all of us."

"Po, are you trying to say my yawn is cute?"

"Will it get me kill?"

"Not really."

"Then your yawn is cute," Po replied. Tigress showed a ghost of a smile.

"Thanks, Po," Tigress said, getting up and bowing. "MHBURF!" She covered a burp. She looked up at Po's confused smile.

"Was that you?" Po asked. Tigress's slightly embarrassed face went to a serious one.

"It's a normal bodily function, Po. Get over it," She said, walking out the door.

"Wait, wait, I thought it was cute, too," Po said as he ran after her.

The End

Lion's Oneshot of Kung Fu Panda Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें